FIRSTTeam102 / scoutradioz

Scoutradioz, a multi-team FRC scouting app developed by The Gearheads. Designed for and running on Amazon Web Services.
25 stars 8 forks source link

Added TM to logo #169

Closed JL102 closed 8 months ago

JL102 commented 8 months ago

This is required for our trademark application to be approved

JL102 commented 8 months ago

@caburum For whatever reason, Github isn't letting me directly interact with the change request. I think Voyager will get its own variant of the logo (e.g. with Voyager text to the right or on the bottom). Since Voyager's work is being done in a separate branch, it'd be pointless to add it to this one unless we rebase the whole thing. For Brunswick Eruption, I'll just take the simpler route and copy it into the directory in the new-voyager branch.