FIRSTTeam102 / scoutradioz

Scoutradioz, a multi-team FRC scouting app developed by The Gearheads. Designed for and running on Amazon Web Services.
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Voyager: Add button inside pit dashboard to pop open QR code for an assignment? #252

Open JL102 opened 1 month ago

JL102 commented 1 month ago

Been kinda stuck on what would be an intuitive interface for syncing pit scouting results, since it doesn't make sense to open a whole popup dialog at the end of every pit assignment with a QR code like in match scouting, because chances are that the scouters won't be near the scouting lead. Maybe we should just put a little qr code icon next to any completed pit scouting assignment in the pit dashboard, where it'll open a modal dialog with the code for that assignment's results?