FIWARE-Ops / docs.TourGuide

:mortar_board: Guided Tour of FIWARE Generic Enablers
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update links in the documentation #70

Open tmontanaro opened 6 years ago

tmontanaro commented 6 years ago

In the guide on How to Publish Context Information as (Open) Data in CKAN link, the link to the instructions on how to configure CKAN and Cygnus is not up-to-date: the page does not still exist.

The broken link is

In addition, the guide is lack of information about how to do what you are explaining ... it seems to be almost an advertisement of what you would like to provide!!!

jason-fox commented 6 years ago

The documentation version you are referring to is a stale build 4/10/2016 of an obsolete branch (develop) - the latest CKAN documentation can be found here and the link and the text has already been amended since then.

@jmcanterafonseca , as you have the admin rights, could you update the project in Readthedocs and delete the builds and set-up from develop branch. Since the branch has not been merged back into master for nearly two years and no-one has complained, I assume there is nothing worthwhile to re-add into the current docs.

tmontanaro commented 6 years ago

Ok, thank you for your answer and the link to the updated version of the docu. However, I would suggest to insert any highlighted message saying that the doc is not up-to-date (in addition, the link to the latest version is not working)

jason-fox commented 6 years ago

The stale branch should be deleted IMHO - unfortunately it can't be styled as out-of-date as such functionality isn't available under readthedocs, however latest should always point to the latest version. is a short cut for but whether this works will also depend on the Project's Readthedocs configuration. Any further action will need to be done by the RTD project administrator.