FIWARE / VCVerifier

A software component that provides the necessary Relying Party endpoints required for authentication.
Apache License 2.0
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VCVerifier returns Data Access Token with $DID placeholder #43

Open sebplorenz opened 1 month ago

sebplorenz commented 1 month ago

Hi, in my setup I'm requesting a Data Access Token using the following Verifier endpoint: The response looks like this:

  "aud": [
  "client_id": "${DID}",
  "exp": 1722321344,
  "iss": "${DID}",
  "kid": "uqOP3gSXosLWgvG7etmIREsdxkYA3YM52O7FrWDghCc",
  "sub": "",
  "verifiableCredential": {
    "@context": [
    "credentialSubject": {
      "email": "",
      "roles": [
          "names": [
          "target": "did:key:zDnaezHLjbJWWkWcFLowhrCZYkpRcFPMG4nTHns8YehVNGz6M"
    "id": "urn:uuid:4d0f9980-2e94-4a0a-9710-de8f8ffec925",
    "issuanceDate": "2024-07-29T14:38:02Z",
    "issuer": "did:key:zDnaezHLjbJWWkWcFLowhrCZYkpRcFPMG4nTHns8YehVNGz6M",
    "type": [

The client_id and the iss contain the $DID placeholder. I'm sure this has something to do with my setup and maybe I'm sending a wrong request. But it would be nice to get an error message here that points me to the problem.

The request contains the following vp_token (already base64 decoded here) and it contains all DIDs (I would say)


That makes two questions/issues:

  1. Why do I have a placeholder in the response?
  2. The Verifier should return an error if a valid Data Access Token cannot be created (containing an error message pointing to the reason).

Thanks in advance!

sebplorenz commented 1 month ago

Ah ok, from the Verifier Logs:

time="2024-07-30T07:03:06Z" level=info msg="Will read config from /alternative-conf/server.yaml"                                                         │
│ {"level":"info","msg":"Configuration is: {\"Server\":{\"Host\":\"http://verifier.bla\",\"Port\":3000,\"TemplateDir\":\"views/\",\"StaticDir\" │
│ :\"views/static\"},\"Verifier\":{\"Did\":\"${DID}\",\"TirAddress\":\"http://tir-ta.bla\",\"TirCacheExpiry\":30,\"TilCacheExpiry\":30,\"Sessio │
│ nExpiry\":30,\"PolicyConfig\":{\"DefaultPolicies\":null,\"CredentialTypeSpecificPolicies\":null},\"ValidationMode\":\"none\",\"KeyAlgorithm\":\"RS256\"} │
│ ,\"Logging\":{\"Level\":\"DEBUG\",\"JsonLogging\":true,\"LogRequests\":true,\"PathsToSkip\":[\"/metrics\",\"/health\"]},\"ConfigRepo\":{\"ConfigEndpoint │
│ \":\"http://credentials-config-service:8080\",\"Services\":null,\"UpdateInterval\":30},\"M2M\":{\"AuthEnabled\":false,\"KeyPath\":\"\",\"CredentialPath\ │
│ ":\"\",\"ClientId\":\"\",\"VerificationMethod\":\"JsonWebKey2020\",\"SignatureType\":\"JsonWebSignature2020\",\"KeyType\":\"RSAPS256\"}}","time":"2024-0 │
│ 7-30T07:03:06Z"}

Obviously, the DID is set to "${DID}" in the config. Maybe the Verifier should check if its own DID starts with "did:"?