Our implementation of the Orion Context-LD broker does sometimes not process a POST call (create entity) but gives no errors in logging. Reproducing is difficult, since this happens only sometimes. See below for an example of the request of a failed call to the context broker.
We use the Orion context broker with MongoDB installed on Ubuntu 20.04 VM, version 4.4.14.
request details
Link = <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/POORT8/poort8.dvu.datamodels/main/datamodels.context-ngsi.jsonld>; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context"; type="application/ld+json"
Our implementation of the Orion Context-LD broker does sometimes not process a POST call (create entity) but gives no errors in logging. Reproducing is difficult, since this happens only sometimes. See below for an example of the request of a failed call to the context broker.
We use the Orion context broker with MongoDB installed on Ubuntu 20.04 VM, version 4.4.14.
request details
Link = <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/POORT8/poort8.dvu.datamodels/main/datamodels.context-ngsi.jsonld>; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context"; type="application/ld+json"
logging Orion context broker
settings on the Orion context broker (all defaults)
This issue was created as a follow-up on our earlier helpdesk request at i4trust (https://spaces.fundingbox.com/spaces/i4trust-i4trust-helpdesk/62ab2a46605ce52f65e6d851)