FIWARE / context.Orion-LD

Context Broker and CEF building block for context data management which supports both the NGSI-LD and the NGSI-v2 APIs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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CRUD operations eat all the working memory #1628

Open MichaelUlbigPTB opened 4 days ago

MichaelUlbigPTB commented 4 days ago

UseCase and effect

We are trying to send data to FIWARE via CRUD(Post/Patch) operations. We have tried it via the requests package from python and via a curl executions in bash script. The scripts patch about 10 data files every 10 seconds. The effect we see is linear increase of active memory usage over time.

Memory-get eaten

Script Example



update_l1_values() {
  local device_id=$1
  local apparent_power_l1=$2
  local current_l1=$3
  local phase_voltage_l1=$4
  local reactive_power_l1=$5

   local data=$(cat <<EOF
  "": {
    "type": "Property",
    "value": {
      "L1": $apparent_power_l1
  "": {
    "type": "Property",
    "value": {
      "L1": $current_l1
  "": {
    "type": "Property",
    "value": {
      "L1": $phase_voltage_l1
  "": {
    "type": "Property",
    "value": {
      "L1": $reactive_power_l1

  curl -X PATCH "$BASE_URL/$device_id/attrs" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$data"

generate_random_value() {
  local value=$((RANDOM % 251))
  echo "$value"


while true; do
  for device_id in "${device_ids[@]}"; do

    update_l1_values "$device_id" "$new_apparent_power_l1" "$new_current_l1" "$new_phase_voltage_l1" "$new_reactive_power_l1"
    echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - Updated L1 values for $device_id"

  sleep 10  # Pause for 10 seconds before next iteration

FIWARE Details

  "orionld version": "post-v1.5.1",
  "orion version": "1.15.0-next",
  "uptime": "0 d, 2 h, 43 m, 49 s",
  "git_hash": "nogitversion",
  "compile_time": "Sun Jan 28 08:20:37 UTC 2024",
  "compiled_by": "root",
  "compiled_in": "",
  "release_date": "Sun Jan 28 08:20:37 UTC 2024",
  "doc": ""

Our troubleshooting so far

We have tried so far to excplicitly kill the connections with "Connection" : "Close" as well as response.close(). We also sed log=NONE and disabled the logging from the docker container as well. We also know created the bash script just to check if our python script is the problem. But we can see the same effect.

The onyl thing which seems so far to prevent Orion from crashing is to open up a session over the requests package in combination with a with statement:

with requests.Session() as fiware_session:
  response = fiware_session.patch(url = url, json = json_data_copy, headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/ld+json', 'Connection':'Close'})

But also using sessions is eating our active memory it just doesn't die at the end. Is this a known problem? What are we missing? We are aware of IoT-Agents but we are not sure if this is complient with our security concept and also we try to keep it as simple as possible.