FIWARE / helm-charts

:globe_with_meridians: Kubernetes HELM Charts for FIWARE Generic Enablers for provisioning scalable, production-ready powered-by-FIWARE installations based around NGSI Context Brokers and other components
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[orion] Orion crashes on container restart #276

Open sbanoeon opened 1 month ago

sbanoeon commented 1 month ago

I am facing a problem in which Orion is deployed on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) Cluster. For some reasons when the containers are restarted or redeployed on some other nodes due to autoscaling or AKS Automatic upgrade scheduling, the Orion API gives 502 Bad Gateway Error.

This resolves with helm upgrade orion fiware/orion. But do you know why Orion API gives 502 error when the containers are restarted? Since the containers were restarted, I could not find any useful logs.

Thank you

SBlechmann commented 4 days ago

I am facing similar issues. The pod fails from time to time and after a manual restart it works again.

Anyone has any ideas why this happens?