FIWARE / tutorials.IoT-Agent

:orange_book: FIWARE 202: Provisioning the Ultralight IoT Agent
MIT License
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Can't start all the services #10

Closed chaima-ben-alaya closed 5 years ago

chaima-ben-alaya commented 6 years ago

I encountered the following problem while trying to start the services

Orion is the context broker IoT-Agent is configured for the UltraLight Protocol Context-Provider acts as a series of dummy IoT Sensors over HTTP

Creating db-mongo ... done Creating context-provider ... done Creating fiware-iot-agent ... Creating fiware-orion ... error

ERROR: for fiware-orion Cannot create container for service orion: Conflict. The container name "/fiware-orion" is already in use by container "3b4b8e6a67831f7Creating fiware-iot-agent ... error e) that container to be able to reuse that name.

ERROR: for fiware-iot-agent Cannot start service iot-agent: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint fiware-iot-agent (affe4af16b6c4204d9def853736c091fcb80cb4c2fae1ea6698006052b7ce8c6): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use

ERROR: for orion Cannot create container for service orion: Conflict. The container name "/fiware-orion" is already in use by container "3b4b8e6a67831f7e3faea28297d6306814d846856fefa597a0e28f75445e8a15". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

ERROR: for iot-agent Cannot start service iot-agent: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint fiware-iot-agent (affe4af16b6c4204d9def853736c091fcb80cb4c2fae1ea6698006052b7ce8c6): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

jason-fox commented 6 years ago

It looks like you have a Dangling Container

The reason behind this is that you have instantiated the tutorial using:

docker-compose up

Rather than using the bash script which tidies up any remaining containers.

./services start

This is just an invocation of

docker-compose --log-level ERROR -p fiware up -d --remove-orphans

You can also manually delete the offending containers using something like:

docker ps -a
docker rm <name_of_the_docker_container>