Open fernandorr21 opened 4 years ago
Yes it could be done, but you would need to customize the PEP Proxy code to do it.
how could i do it? provides an example of an application (in this case the Tutorial app) creating a custom XACML request for Authzforce.
The equivalent code in the PEP Proxy is here:
You could check the flow of the code to find out where getRESTPolicy()
is called and write the following:
1. Get Value from cache
2. If not found or expired retrieve current value from CB (look at store.js)
3. Call Amended getRESTPolicy() and retrieve Permit/Deny.
Obviously Authzforce would need a rule which checked the additional value as well, much like the eMail example in the tutorial
But, how achieve i attributes of a predefined entity?
To read attributes of an entity or entities use the attrs
parameter - something like the NGSI-LD example here:
let productsInStore = await ngsiLD.listEntities(
type: 'Product',
options: 'keyValues',
attrs: 'name,price',
id: stockedProducts.join(',')
Effectively you're just sending a request like:
curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/urn:ngsi-ld:Store:001?options=keyValues&attrs=name'
To generate the XACML you will have to do that yourself - but you can follow the eMail example as a template.
thank you, I achieve it. But I have another problem, I want to permit acces /v2/entities and all /v2/entities/id..., how could i permit in XACML access children of /v2/entities/....../....
If you are using XACML then create a rule <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:function:string-starts-with">
see: here as an example.
However, this complexity is no longer necessary, as this issue points out. You could just use the Keyrock simple Policy Decision Point and supply a regex.
More info here
hello, I would like to obtain in wilma the attributes of an entity already defined in orion based on its id (in root.js for example) . In order to evaluate those attributes in authzforce. Could it be done?