FIX94 / Nintendont

A Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U
1.84k stars 316 forks source link

Need help compiling? Here's a step-by-step guide! #1208

Closed Willicious closed 3 weeks ago

Willicious commented 3 weeks ago

How to build your own copy of Nintendont on Windows - a step-by-step guide

1) If you haven't already, Clone the Nintendont GitHub repo 2) Install the latest version of devkitPro (you'll replace some folders later) 3) Download the folders from the mediafile like on Nintendont's GitHub page 4) Go to C:\devkitPro\ and rename the following folders:

devkitARM - rename to "devkitARM-original" devkitPPC - rename to "devkitPPC-original" libogc - rename to "libogc-original"

5) Paste the replacement folders from Nintendont - make sure they're named devkitARM, devkitPRO and devkitPPC respectively (you have to unzip everything to get to the actual folder itself)

6) Once you're sure the above folders have been correctly replaced, go ahead and open your cloned copy of Nintendont 7) In the root directory, run Build.bat - if all went well, it should build a brand new copy of loader.dol in the "loader" folder (check the timestamp to make sure it's the one you just built) 8) Go ahead and make any changes you want to Nintendont!

Willicious commented 3 weeks ago

Additionally, here's a pull request to change the button combo (if rejected, at least people can see which code needs to be changed if they wish to mod & build their own copy).