FIX94 / Nintendont

A Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U
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Issue with MayFlash adapter and gamecube controller #754

Closed medic27 closed 4 years ago

medic27 commented 4 years ago

Hi, feel like i've tried everything. I'm using this adapter:

and using and oem gamecube controller. I've played around with different controller.ini, I've downloaded the from nintendont. I've deleted both controller.ini and the other file that could get corrupted. I've tried old versions of Nintendont before it supposedly broke usb when injecting (i'm realizing i never did an injection because I'm on a mac and the injector is for windows). Also i used hackmii to get the loader onto vWii.

Does this adapter simply not work with Nintendont or something?

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

isnt that the adapters that have wiiu switch mode and a pc mode? is it set to wiiu? is your gc controller on port 1 of the adapter?do you have native controllers set to off on nintendont settings?

medic27 commented 4 years ago

Yes to all

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

well does your controller work on nintendont menu? up and down? are both cables connected?, try deleting your controller.ini you have and let nintendont try to use the stock one it has on memory for the mayflash adapter, and you tryed the adapter and controller on smash game first to make sure they worked?

medic27 commented 4 years ago

All cables connected, it doesnt work in the nintendont menu. It works on my mac for Dolphin. Ive tried deleting controller.ini a couple times already.

By smash game do you mean like on a wii U smash game?

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

is your gamecube controller official? or some fake /3rd party one? because some fake ones dont work on the adapters with wiiu/wii and nintendont. i got a gameware gc controller that doesnt regist any imput on wiiu using the official gc adapter and it worked on original wii, remenber that mayflash has a pc mode which might let it work but on wiiu mode unless you have smash you cant test it to see if it works? did you ever tryed on smash wiiu?

medic27 commented 4 years ago

Its an official controller. I just tested it on wii U smash (smash4) and it works!

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

take a picture of your nintendont settings if you can, also how are you launching nintendont?

medic27 commented 4 years ago

I got nintendont installed using a miihack instead of like smashstack. I click on wii menu, then the Homebrew channel, then nintendont version 5.486.

I've also tried installing the thru the update menu.


medic27 commented 4 years ago

I don't know if it matters, but i have a bunch of files on my sd card from doing the wii u hack and wii hacks so its not the cleanest sd card in terms of minimum files involved.

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

well you should turn memory card emulation to on or else you wont be able to save.

well even on nintendont menu moving your controller does nothing? tryed using all 4 diferent ports on nintendont menu?and clicking the dpad up and down to see if it registers anything?

medic27 commented 4 years ago

Yep just tried all of that. Would it make sense to the HID test app? Not quite sure where to put it though.

Also does it matter that im using a 32gb sd card?

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

Yep just tried all of that. Would it make sense to the HID test app? Not quite sure where to put it though.

Also does it matter that im using a 32gb sd card?

Nope,well if you have hidtest just make a folder inside the regular apps folder name. It anything like "hid test" and inside put the dol file renamed to be called boot.dol

medic27 commented 4 years ago

Does the HID Test app work if you're in vWii? Does it matter if you run it in vWii or Wii U?

Ok so this is interesting. I ran HID Test on Wii U and no button presses seem to be working. I thought the MayFlash adapter is HID compatible? Otherwise it seems that other people have gotten it working somehow. I also wondered whether its because the Mayflash adapter needs a firmware update (which only runs on a PC unfortunately).

Edit: Ok I just ran it in vWii and i'm getting the message: Entry: "DigitalLR" not found!

^^ Ok I added "DigitalLR = 0" and it fixed that error, but still no keys work. I'm using the controller.ini that was meant for the oem gamecube adapter, as I wasn't able to find one for the Mayflash adapter I'm using.

update: omg i think i figured out what is happening. The "Mayflash" adapter I have doesn't seem to be actually Mayflash (even though that's what I bought!). They shipped me an offbrand adapter!

carnage702 commented 4 years ago

well if its a fake mayflash adapter it probably needs its own ini file made for it.