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[repository schema] Support for field presence maps #217

Open mkudukin opened 1 month ago

mkudukin commented 1 month ago

The proposal is to add ability to associate presence map field to the components and groups as discussed in


Some protocols like HKEX OCG have a feature called Field Presence Maps, which allows to skip transmission of unset optional fields. It's a special type of field which contains a bitmap describing the presence of subsequent fields in the actual message instance. The presence map provides an efficient way to check which optional fields are present in a received message. Bits corresponding to required fields are always set to 1.

Those types may be represented as special datatypes mapped to bitsets. In HKEX OCG, for example, a field of such datatype is included in a message header and also it precedes every repeating group instance:

<datatype name="Bitmap">
    <mappedDatatype standard="ISO11404" base="bitstring" element="bit">
            <documentation>Field length is a number of octets.</documentation>

    <field id="42" name="BodyFieldsPresenceMap" type="Bitmap" implLength="32">
            <documentation>Indicates the list of fields that would be present in a message body immediately after this field. Each bit denotes corresponding field's presence.</documentation>
    <field id="101" name="NoEntitlementsBodyFieldPresenceMap" type="Bitmap" implLength="2"/>

    <group id="100" name="Entitlements">
        <numInGroup id="100" name="NoEntitlements"/>
        <!-- Presence bitmap for this group is the field with id 101 -->
        <fieldRef id="101" name="NoEntitlementsBodyFieldPresenceMap"/>
        <fieldRef id="102" name="EntitlementType"/>
        <fieldRef id="103" name="EntitlementIndicator"/>
        <fieldRef id="104" name="EntitlementID"/>

    <component id="1" name="Header">
        <!-- ... -->
        <fieldRef id="42" name="HeaderFieldPresenceMap"/>
    <!-- Presence bitmap for this component is the field with id 42 -->
    <component id="10" name="TestRequestBody">
        <fieldRef id="43" name="FirstField"/>
        <fieldRef id="44" name="SecondField"/>
        <groupRef id="100" name="NoEntitlements"/>

    <message name="TestRequest">
            <componentRef id="1" name="Header"/>
            <componentRef id="10" name="TestRequestBody"/>
            <componentRef id="2" name="Trailer"/>

There should be a standard approach to associate the bitmap field with the components and groups it relates to, in the same way a data field may be associated with its length field using the lengthId attribute.


We recommend adding optional presenceMapId attribute to container elements like message/structure, component, and group. This attribute must reference a field which contains presence flag for every direct member of the container element. This approach is like the one with the lengthId and discriminatorId attributes of a field definition, which are already a part of the standard.


    <component id="1" name="Header">
        <fieldRef id="42" name="HeaderFieldPresenceMap"/>
    <component id="10" name="TestRequestBody" presenceMapId="42">
        <fieldRef id="43" name="FirstField"/>
        <fieldRef id="44" name="SecondField"/>
        <groupRef id="100" name="NoEntitlements"/>

    <group id="100" name="Entitlements" presenceMapId="101">
        <numInGroup id="100" name="NoEntitlements"/>

        <fieldRef id="101" name="NoEntitlementsBodyFieldPresenceMap"/>
        <fieldRef id="102" name="EntitlementType"/>
        <fieldRef id="103" name="EntitlementIndicator"/>
        <fieldRef id="104" name="EntitlementID"/>