FKLC / WhatsAppToDiscord

WhatsAppToDiscord is a Discord bot that uses WhatsApp Web as a bridge between Discord and WhatsApp.
MIT License
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Support for Multi-Session Deployment and Dockerfile-Compatible Configuration #157

Closed TukangM closed 9 months ago

TukangM commented 10 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The current setup of the WhatsApp Sync Discord Bot lacks support for multi-session deployment and a configuration method compatible with Dockerfiles. This limitation poses challenges for deploying the bot efficiently, especially when dealing with Docker containers, as users are required to re-scan QR codes for each deployment.

Describe the solution you'd like Multi-Session Support: Enhance the bot to allow simultaneous management of multiple sessions. This would permit users to deploy the bot within Docker containers without the need to initiate new QR code scans for each session. Introduce a mechanism to manage and interact with distinct sessions using dedicated tokens or identifiers.

Dockerfile-Compatible Configuration: To streamline deployment via Dockerfiles and eliminate the need for repeated QR code scanning, establish a configuration approach that seamlessly integrates with Docker's environment variables. This can involve mapping session-related configuration settings directly from Docker environment variables to the bot's configuration, enabling users to set up sessions effortlessly during Docker container creation. Describe alternatives you've considered Session Login Files: An alternative approach considered was using separate files for storing session login information. However, this might not align well with Docker's containerized deployment model and could complicate the deployment process.

Database Storage: Another option was using a database to store session information. While feasible, it might introduce complexity in managing sessions within Docker containers. Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. By incorporating multi-session support and Dockerfile-compatible configuration, the WhatsApp Sync Discord Bot will gain enhanced usability and deployment flexibility. These enhancements cater to users who prefer deploying the bot within Docker containers, streamlining the setup process and making it more efficient. This update would align the bot with modern deployment practices and improve the overall user experience.

FKLC commented 9 months ago

While this would be a good enhancement, it would require quite a lot of development. The bot is intended for not so tech-savvy people. Even then, I don't see the need for multi-session. If I was hosting this bot for others, sure it would make sense, but I don't, and I don't think anyone should use this bot for commercial purposes due to security, privacy and legal concerns. Even after all of these concerns, if someone wants to host it, then they should be the ones responsible for this enhancement. So, unfortunately, I won't be implementing this feature, sorry.