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Fixed runtime rounding for scientific notation values #1

Closed fguzman82 closed 4 weeks ago

fguzman82 commented 4 weeks ago


This PR fixes an issue where runtime values expressed in scientific notation were not being rounded correctly.



Tested with various runtime values, including those in scientific notation, to ensure correct rounding and display in the output table.

Additional Notes

Checking the data from the MIL file, for example: "operation: "fp64", runtimes: ["mps_graph": 7.0123111500459555e-06, "classic_cpu": 8.414773757700023e-06], selectedBackend: "classic_cpu", name: nil, validationMessages: ["ane": "Tensor buffer live-in not created: Unsupported tensor data type: int32\n"]"

In these cases, the values were displayed as:

After the fix, the values are correctly rounded to:

FL33TW00D commented 4 weeks ago

Great stuff! Thanks!