FLAME GPU 2 is a GPU accelerated agent based modelling framework for CUDA C++ and Python
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Multigraphs #1123

Open ptheywood opened 9 months ago

ptheywood commented 9 months ago

Current/planned graphs only allow a single edge between each source-destination vertex pair.

Some use cases may include multiple edges between a source and destination (i.e. a road network which has had contraction heirarchies applied to generate a denser representation).

Multigraphs however add a lot of complexity, as you cannot simily get an edge by its' source-destination pair, and must isntead iterate edges between a given source and destination.

For now, it is best to not support multigraphs, but longer term if there are use-cases and demand we may need to implement support for multi-graphs, both for static/mutable graphs, directed/undirected graphs