FLAME GPU 2 is a GPU accelerated agent based modelling framework for CUDA C++ and Python
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Feature: Instrumentation / Profiling tools #55

Open ptheywood opened 5 years ago

ptheywood commented 5 years ago

Add instrumentation tools for simple performance analysis, along with NVTX based markers for more advanced profiling. Introduce a profile build configuration which enables this

For Cmake, enabling NVTX could be handeld something along the lines of: (but maybe just for the profile target, and make it so that if NVTX is not found it builds without)

# Switch to enable NVTX ranges for profiling
option(USE_NVTX "Build with NVTX" ON)
  message("-- Using NVTX")
  find_library(NVTX_LIBRARY nvToolsExt HINTS /usr/local/cuda/lib64)
  target_link_libraries(flamegpu2 ${NVTX_LIBRARY})
ptheywood commented 2 years ago

It might be useful to add a simulation / ensemble config flag/argument to control the output of population / step times / other simulation meta-data as csv/json.

I.e. simulatein.exe --output-metadata path/to/file.json.

When this property / flag is set in the config, track populations, timing, GPU used and output them to a json file of a specific format.

Alternatively output multiple CSV's (as CSV's must be rectangular). So per step data in one csv, and general per sim data in another.

Ensembles could output to a single json file, or multiple in a directory depending on implementation. outputting to individual then re-forming into a single file and cleaning up is another possibility (to reduce memory requirements for incredibly large ensembles.

More fine-grained control might also be useful. I.e. just output metadata such as flamegpu build number, cuda / nvrttc version etc to disk in some cases, track per ensemble / sim totatl time, or track finer grained timing / population sizes.

Submodels will make this more complicated too if tracking submodels are required / in general when tracking long running simulations.