FMCorz / moodle-block_xp

A gamification plugin for Moodle allowing students to gain experience points and level up.
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Questions created for mod_studentquiz not counted #125

Open t-schroeder opened 2 years ago

t-schroeder commented 2 years ago

We use and when students create questions through that plugin those events are not counted because the edulevel is 1 (teaching) and not 2 (participating). That restriction is not configurable, it seems:

One way to solve this would be to allow events with other edulevels. Another way would be for mod_studentquiz to somehow create those events with edulevel == participating.

Corresponding issue in mod_studentquiz:

FMCorz commented 2 years ago

Hi @t-schroeder,

Thank you for reporting this. As your analysis showed, only events of participating level are counted. We made the decision a long time ago to filter those as to make it easier to get started with Level up! and because in 99% of cases other or teaching events are not relevant to students.

We suggest to first re-evaluate whether the educational level of the event in mod_studentquiz is truly teaching, in most cases students actions should be considered participative when they are acting as students.

Thank you!