FNA3D - 3D Graphics Library for FNA
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Add support for HDR swapchains #192

Closed flibitijibibo closed 5 months ago

flibitijibibo commented 5 months ago

This one is easier than it sounds: RGB10A2 is already supported for render targets, so I just need to add logic to support it for DXGI and Vulkan window surfaces. I finally got HDR10 working in my lab so I can properly test this myself now.

flibitijibibo commented 5 months ago

Vulkan should be working: https://github.com/FNA-XNA/FNA3D/commit/bc27a1ed3e956fc1f4eb0f61cf112f33b62f8157

flibitijibibo commented 5 months ago

D3D11: https://github.com/FNA-XNA/FNA3D/commit/c2bc66094bb386d38b19f1a4fd68bf5d16349227

flibitijibibo commented 5 months ago

Put this behind an environment variable since using this correctly requires conversion on the application side anyway: https://github.com/FNA-XNA/FNA3D/commit/e74fe867e508bdedb13e53e4cbb89acf43861f34