FNNDSC / med2image

Converts medical images to more displayable formats, e.g. NIfTI to jpg.
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Automate for multiple .nii file (generating slices) #25

Closed ShibaPrasad closed 4 years ago

ShibaPrasad commented 4 years ago


I am trying to create slices from .nii file and automate the process in python. i am able to create slices using the below commands from Linux command prompt: (but one by one). But I would like to automate the process. But it's not working.


med2image -i '3dNewImage_mask_200.nii.gz' -d 'Downloads/NewTest/200' -o image.jpg -s -1 sliceToConvert: -1

I am trying to automate using below from jupyter notebook

import subprocess

file_name_list = glob.glob('/Downloads/test/*.nii.gz') pathtosave = '/Downloads/NewTest/'

for i in range(5): newpath = pathtosave + str(i) print(file_name_list[i]) print(newpath) os.system("/nfs/s-iibi54/users/skuanar/Downloads/med2image-master/med2image/med2image.py -i file_name_list[i] -d newpath -o image.jpg -s -1")

rudolphpienaar commented 4 years ago

Your python syntax in the call to os.system is incorrect. It should be something like:

os.system("/nfs/s-iibi54/users/skuanar/Downloads/med2image-master/med2image/med2image.py -i %s -d %s -o image.jpg -s -1" % (file_name_list[i], newpath))
ShibaPrasad commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you. Updated my script. BUt it's now working ... would you please advise me

pathtosave = '/Downloads/test/Testing/testing/'

for i in range(5):

newpath = pathtosave + str(i)

newpath = os.path.join(pathtosave, str(i), "")

os.system("Downloads/med2image-master/med2image/med2image.py -i %s -d %s -o image.jpg -s -1" % (file_name_list[i], newpath))

output /Downloads/test/shiba3dNewImage_mask_1.nii.gz /Downloads/test/Testing/testing/0/ /Downloads/test/shiba3dNewImage_mask_7.nii.gz /Downloads/test/Testing/testing/1/ /Downloads/test/shiba3dNewImage_mask_13.nii.gz /Downloads/test/Testing/testing/2/ /Downloads/test/shiba3dNewImage_mask_15.nii.gz /Downloads/test/Testing/testing/3/ /Downloads/test/shiba3dNewImage_mask_20.nii.gz /Downloads/test/Testing/testing/4/

​ But the script is not making any jpeg files ?

But I wrote a different unix script separately and it's working. But the above python script is not working. Please advice me i am making any mistake on above python script

ShibaPrasad commented 4 years ago


It's working now. I used "/Downloads/med2image-master/bin/med2image" in stead of Downloads/med2image-master/med2image/med2image.py in _os.system("Downloads/med2image-master/med2image/med2image.py -i %s -d %s -o image.jpg -s -1" % (file_namelist[i], newpath))

and it worked. Thank you