FNNDSC / med2image

Converts medical images to more displayable formats, e.g. NIfTI to jpg.
MIT License
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Error with covert (screen shot attached.) #31

Open paulxiong opened 3 years ago

paulxiong commented 3 years ago

med2image -i ./input/1-1.dcm -d ./out image

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Is your input DICOM file a 3D volume format? It seems that way given the warning of size (49,2457,1890) . Currently med2image only processes 2D DICOM filess, not 3D DICOM volumes.

You will first have to convert your DICOM volume to a series of 2D slice files.

Also, since this would be a useful feature to implement in future versions of med2image, perhaps you can share your input DICOM file so we can develop this functionality.


paulxiong commented 3 years ago

Thank you. Yes, it is a 3D. Here is the link to download images directly. https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=64685580 or you can get a file with the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kpyMqB2JEXc3ifSBGeSNwMxcme1kTfAj/view?usp=sharing