FNNDSC / med2image

Converts medical images to more displayable formats, e.g. NIfTI to jpg.
MIT License
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Unification of pl-med2img, pfdo_med2image, pl-pfdo_med2img #33

Open jennydaman opened 3 years ago

jennydaman commented 3 years ago

pl-med2img is a wrapper around med2image which conforms the CLI usage to a ChRIS ds plugin spec.

pfdo_med2image is a wrapper around med2image which generalizes med2image so that it can be mapped on all files found via recursive traversal, i.e. analogous to

find /inputDir -name '*.nii' | med2image ...

pl-med2img, pfdo_med2image, pl-pfdo_med2img extend med2image. But these need not be separate projects.

The proposal here is to have one repository med2image which provides: