FNNDSC / med2image

Converts medical images to more displayable formats, e.g. NIfTI to jpg.
MIT License
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Co-ordinates are mismatch, when i convert from .nii to jpeg #6

Open hiteshnitetc opened 6 years ago

hiteshnitetc commented 6 years ago

Hi. I have file in .nii format which consist of 706 images (0-705). from this file i want to convert image number 115 from to jpeg. i tried using med2image -i ABD_LYMPH_002_mask.nii -o input.jpg -s 115 which successfully converts into jpeg format. But actually in this 115 image there are two nodules and i know there locations. I see and verify them using MITK. I unable to save image in jpeg using MITK so i tried med2image. But when i check nodules in converted jpeg image. nodules are in wrong coordinates. I am sending you .nii file (in zip fromat please unzip it, because attachment not supported in .nii format) ABD_LYMPH_002_mask.nii.zip

input-slice115 screenshot from 2017-11-28 10-03-05 screenshot from 2017-11-28 10-02-17

and nodule locations are (183,193) and (323,186). and also sending you snapshot from MITK and of converted image using med2image. Checking co-ordinate of noudules in jpeg file i got nodule in location (185,317) and (325,322) which is wrong. Please see the issue. in attachment after ABD_LYMPH_002_mask.nii.zip there is jpeg image and other two images i got from MITK