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ChRIS@brain.chpc.ac.za -- tunnels #47

Closed rudolphpienaar closed 9 years ago

rudolphpienaar commented 9 years ago

Investigate tunnels from brain.chpc.ac.za:

rudolphpienaar commented 9 years ago

ssh tunnel from brain --> BCH: 5120

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

to connect from brain to chis bch, it would be:

ssh -p 2444 chris@sun.chpc.ac.za

It appears to hang...

mcheck-ssh-chpc.bash keeps the connections OUTSIDE -> CHPC open right?

mcheck-ssh-NMR.bash keeps the connections OUTSIDE -> NRM open right?

in mcheck-ssh-NMR.bash, we have that:

./mcheck-ssh-NMR.bash:#TARGETACTION[48]="tunnel.bash --reverse  --from rudolph@${H1}:2444 --to ${CHRISCHPC}:443 --sshArgs '-p 7778'"
./mcheck-ssh-NMR.bash:TARGET_CHECK[48]="tunnel.bash --reverse   --from rudolph@${GATE}:2444 --to ${CHRISCHPC}:443 --isRunning"
./mcheck-ssh-NMR.bash:TARGETACTION[48]="tunnel.bash --reverse   --from rudolph@${GATE}:2444 --to ${CHRISCHPC}:443"

Is it correct? (surprised by port 443) or maybe I missed something...

rudolphpienaar commented 9 years ago


Pathways into BCH

Tunnels INTO BCH are maintained by tautona (crontab rudolphpienaar) running script mcheck-ssh-NMR.bash and using NMR machines as "entry" points.

Pathway to BCH from sun.chpc.ac.za

On host sun.chpc.ac.za, the controlling script is mcheck-ssh-chpc.bash and it creates tunnels back to chris-chpc @ BCH

Tunnel @ 2468 is ssh back to chris-chpc@tch.harvard.edu
Tunnel @ 2444 is https back to chris-chpc@tch.harvard.edu

Pathway to BCH from brain.chpc.ac.za

On host brain.chpc.ac.za, the controlling script is mcheck-ssh-brain.bash and it creates tunnels back to chris.tch.harvard.edu and chris-chpc.tch.harvard.edu

Tunnel @ 2468 is ssh back to chris-chpc@tch.harvard.edu VIA sun.chpc.ac.za
Tunnel @ 2444 is https back to chris-chpc@tch.harvard.edu VIA sun.chpc.ac.za
Tunnel @ 2214 is ssh back to chris@tch.harvard.edu VIA gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Tunnel @ 4443 is hhtps back to chris@tch.harvard.edu VIA gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

great! Thanks!

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

one last thing, we have to setup tunnels for pushing dicom images from brain to remote chris instances too right?

looks like we also need a tunnel to push dicoms TO brain, because of the firewall:

nico@vpn-17218216-126:~$ telnet brain.chpc.ac.za 10502
NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

tunnel brain -> chris-chpc not working looks like: [chris@brain:x86_64-Linux]...c/chrisreloaded$>ssh -p 2468 localhost

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

tunnels look good now

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

We just miss:

@rudolphpienaar: do we need:

with the chpc cluster setup, the nodes can ONLY see the HEAD node (sun+)

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

new tunnels:

sun - > brain:22 is sun:5120

rudolphpienaar commented 9 years ago

see other issue... forgotten which, for pacs_push tunnels from brain to BCH

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

brain:10402 --> chris.tch.harvard.edu:10401 brain:10403 --> chris-chpc.tch.harvard.edu:10502

NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

@rudolphpienaar seems a tunnel is down...

[chris@brain:x86_64-Linux]...c/chrisreloaded(master@3edc-)$>ssh -p 2468 localhost
ssh: connect to host localhost port 2468: Connection refused
NicolasRannou commented 9 years ago

All tunnels are working - closing

[chris@brain:x86_64-Linux]...c/chrisreloaded(master@3edc-)$>ssh -p 2469 localhost