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Tunnels from 'protea' at Stellenbosch to chpc and brain #75

Closed rudolphpienaar closed 9 years ago

rudolphpienaar commented 9 years ago

Tunnels to access internal firewalled host 'protea'

Out in Cape Town, the host protea is exposed to the Tygerburg hospital PACS. It has ssh access out to sun.chpc.ac.za but not to brain.chpc.ac.za.

Setup required tunnels:

Access to protea

Setup a reverse tunnel maintained on protea to allow reverse access from sun.

[protea]$> ssh -g -f -N -X -R 3215:localhost:22 rpienaar@sun.chpc.ac.za


PACS Push traffic from hospital out to ChRIS@brain

Setup a reverse tunnel maintained in sun by using the reverse tunnel on protea to connect protea port 10004 to brain port 10502 -- this means that PACS push to protea:10004 will be projected to brain:10502

[rpienaar@login02:x86_64]$>ssh -g -f -N -X -p 3215 -R 10004:brain.chpc.ac.za:10502 rpienaar@localhost