FNNDSC / pypx

Python wrapper to interact with a PACS (based off DCMTK and PyDicom)
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Usage #6

Open rudolphpienaar opened 4 years ago

rudolphpienaar commented 4 years ago

set tunnel from pretoria to (say) megalodon where the pypx service is listening:

ssh -g -f -N -X -R 10402:megalodon:10402 rudolphpienaar@pretoria
rudolphpienaar commented 4 years ago

Pull the container:

docker pull fnndsc/pypx
rudolphpienaar commented 4 years ago

Test a Query:

PACS_QR.sh -Q "--PatientID 4136051"
rudolphpienaar commented 4 years ago

Reverse tunnels do NOT work. Tunnel needs to be forward tunnel from pretoria to megalodon

rudolphpienaar commented 4 years ago

Added --AccessionNumber processing.

Fixed debug output

./PACS_QR.sh -Q "--AccessionNumber 25383342 --retrieve --printReport '' "