FNNDSC / pypx

Python wrapper to interact with a PACS (based off DCMTK and PyDicom)
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Fix update that broke! #9

Open rudolphpienaar opened 3 years ago

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Need to rebuild local pypx based on systematic copy of new files into the old repo

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Step 1

Copy the new 'bin' to the old. Rebuild and test.

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Copy new setup.py to old

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago
PACS_QR.sh -r local -D -h BCH-chrisdev  -Q "--AccessionNumber 25831349 --retrieve --printReport ''" -v
rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Success!! Initial success on building old code base.

Critically needed to specify pydicom==1.3.0

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Works on new build!!! Wooohoo!!!

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Currently working hypothesis is that new pydicom spits out logging info on the port that messes things up.

rudolphpienaar commented 3 years ago

Working with latest pydicom!!

MUST turn off logging with

# Turn off all logging for modules in this libary
import logging

in listen.py