FOLIO-FSE / folio_migration_tools

A Python module and CLI tool that transforms legacy ILS data into the native FOLIO formats and loads it into FOLIO
MIT License
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MARC Bib transformer creates invalid preceding-succeeding-title records #764

Closed btravisebsco closed 5 months ago

btravisebsco commented 6 months ago

If you transform a MARC bib with 780/785 preceding/succeeding title fields that do not have the subfields indicated by the mapping rules, the migration tools will happily create a preceding-succeeding-title record object that will post to FOLIO, but it will lack fields that FOLIO subsequently (and undocumented) expects it to have, specifically title. The migration tools should discard preceding-succeeding-title objects that do not have a title. FOLIO's MARC-Bib mapper appears to handle it this way. Thoughts, @banerjek?

banerjek commented 6 months ago

Agreed they should be chucked if title isn't present -- the entire point of these fields is to provide another title access point.