FOSDEM / infrastructure

Infrastructure used during the conference
54 stars 22 forks source link

Simplify common role #258

Closed SuperQ closed 4 years ago

SuperQ commented 4 years ago

Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie

markvdb commented 4 years ago

Op wo 29 jan. 2020 om 15:02 schreef Paweł Krupa

@paulfantom commented on this pull request.

In ansible/playbooks/roles/common/tasks/configure_apt.yml

-- name: "run apt update if we have modified the sources"

  • apt:
  • update_cache: true
  • when: apt_sources.changed +- name: cleanup old backports config
  • apt_repository:
  • repo: "deb {{ ansible_distribution_release }}-backports main contrib non-free"

I think this will remove current backports as it depends on ansible variable, but I am not sure.

In case of any doubt, please don't make this kind of change at this point in time.

Kind regards,

Mark -- Mark Van den Borre Hogestraat 16 3000 Leuven, België +32 486 961726

paulfantom commented 4 years ago

@markvdb it is not me who created this PR and maybe author has no doubts that it works :) . I am just reviewing it and need explanation from @SuperQ as I see the same line is added in

SuperQ commented 4 years ago

Verified that this does the right thing.