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Created landing page #282

Closed piyusesh closed 3 weeks ago

piyusesh commented 1 month ago


This PR fixes #257

piyusesh commented 1 month ago

@codecShivam this is how it looks image image image image image

piyusesh commented 1 month ago

@A91y overlapping fixed


piyusesh commented 4 weeks ago

@codecShivam check I've added responsiveness to the page

piyusesh commented 3 weeks ago

@codecShivam lmk if more improvements are needed

Mr-Sunglasses commented 3 weeks ago

@codecShivam lmk if more improvements are needed

@codecShivam Review it ASAP

codecShivam commented 3 weeks ago

@codecShivam lmk if more improvements are needed

@codecShivam Review it ASAP

Yeah, will review it by today.

codecShivam commented 3 weeks ago

@codecShivam lmk if more improvements are needed

everything lgm!! Just use the next/Image and remove this warning by providing width and height to it image

codecShivam commented 3 weeks ago

lgm!! but the warning is not resolved yet take ref from here: cc: @piyusesh

piyusesh commented 3 weeks ago

@codecShivam done

codecShivam commented 3 weeks ago

@codecShivam done


fix this in hero component as well

codecShivam commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks! @piyusesh cc: @A91y