FPGA-Research-Manchester / FABulous

Fabric generator and CAD tools
Apache License 2.0
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FABulous with verilator #100

Open anudeepdharavathu opened 1 year ago

anudeepdharavathu commented 1 year ago

Any documentation/guidelines on simulating FABulous with verilator?

anudeepdharavathu commented 1 year ago

After making minor changes to fabulous_tb.v I came up with these command to setup FABulous with verilator

  1. verilator --cc fabulous_tb.v -Itmp --Wno-UNOPTFLAT --Wno-LITENDIAN --Wno-IMPLICIT --Wno-STMTDLY --Wno-WIDTH --Wno-TIMESCALEMOD --Wno-LATCH
  2. verilator -cc fabulous_tb.v --exe sim_main.cpp -Itmp --Wno-UNOPTFLAT --Wno-LITENDIAN --Wno-IMPLICIT --Wno-STMTDLY --Wno-WIDTH --Wno-TIMESCALEMOD --Wno-LATCH
  3. make -C obj_dir -f Vfabulous_tb.mk Vfabulous_tb ( this gives g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus)
  4. on another machine I see verilator threw signal 9 error suggest using --debug)

Does FABulous work with verilator as mentioned in the paper ?