FPGAwars / icestudio

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Please document (in English) how to use gtkwave simulation with icestudio #339

Open drtrigon opened 4 years ago

drtrigon commented 4 years ago

I would like to use icestudio in class e.g. to demonstrate the simulation of logic gates. Ultimatively I would like to create logic tables with the students.

I found following two descriptions but - unfortunately - do not speak spanish:

As mentioned I would be very eager to see documentation in English in order to understand what steps I need to do. (Also cool would be a simple menu entry to simulate and open gtkwave, but we can leave this for the next issue to open ;)

drtrigon commented 4 years ago

Ok, I figured it out, I had an issue with the apio install path (due to python3 vs. python2 stuff).

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://haudahau.com/vadedos/%3Fp%3D1497 is quite useful.

csylvain commented 4 years ago

running "apio sim" got me on the right path. needed to "apio install" some things. then needed to know i should look at the output of "apio boards -l".

after that, learned something important and the reason i am writing this note: (for the 0.5.1-nightly windows release of icestorm) spaces (' ' chars) in project file names (like "B A Z.ice") is BAD.

you will end up with

fatal error: too many command-line arguments

when doing "apio build" because arachne-pnr dies. the parameters given to it are not quoted nor are the escaped.

zeroeth commented 4 years ago

I'm wondering if this simulation workflow could be internal to icestudio somehow? Figuring out the export, edit testbench, run, view steps took some guesswork!

Maybe even embed something like Pulseview and provide an stimulus input panel/timeline!