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Problem with using localparam during building. RS232 implementation Tinyfpga BX #411

Open DavidGoedicke opened 4 years ago

DavidGoedicke commented 4 years ago

The following lines of code cause the system to not build. The verification works.

function integer log2; input integer v; begin log2=0; while(v>>log2) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam l2o = log2(Oversampling); reg [l2o-2:0] OversamplingCnt = 0;

I am trying to implement fpga4fun-serialinterface

Sending bytes works fine. However, receiving bytes does not work. It also does not work if I hard-code the above problematic line.

I am new to FPGA and Verilog and so I'll attach my files but any pointers on how to debug this problem would be much appreciated.

best wishes DG



Consol output

export APIO_HOME_DIR=/Users/dg/.icestudio/apio; "/Users/dg/.icestudio/venv/bin/apio" build --board TinyFPGA-BX --verbose-arachne -p "/var/folders/l1/kck90q_177g8lpdz99njl07m0000gn/T/icestudio-31628IcBTD1EQFcak"

[Mon May 18 21:00:53 2020] Processing TinyFPGA-BX
yosys -p "synth_ice40 -blif hardware.blif" -q main.v
ERROR: Assert `range_left >= range_right || (range_left == -1 && range_right == 0)' failed in frontends/ast/genrtlil.cc:872.
scons: *** [hardware.blif] Error 1
========================= [ ERROR ] Took 0.39 seconds =========================
Obijuan commented 4 years ago

This is weird! It should work. I've been able to reproduce it. I will try to isolate the problem to understand what is going on. I will tell you my findings

I am testing using icestudio 0.5.1n200403-dev in Linux

As a workaround, you can just hardcode the Oversampling value constant in the code:

localparam l2o = log2(16);

It will let you synthesize the design

Obijuan commented 4 years ago

This is the minimal circuit for reproducing the bug:


Icestudio File:

The verification pass ok, but when sinthesizing this error show up:


This is the verilog code generated:

// Code generated by Icestudio 0.5.1n200403
// Wed, 20 May 2020 09:58:10 GMT

`default_nettype none

module main #(
 parameter v7f7647 = 16
) (
 output [7:0] vb2d82b
 localparam p1 = v7f7647;
 wire [0:7] w0;
 assign vb2d82b = w0;
 main_v180e25 #(
 ) v180e25 (

module main_v180e25 #(
 parameter N = 0
) (
 output [7:0] o
 localparam M=$clog2(N);  //-- M = 4
 localparam K = (M-2);    //-- K = 2

 wire [K:0] test = K;     //-- Test = 010

 //-- Error: Signal '\test' with invalid width range -1!

This generated code seems to be ok (iverilator pass)... so maybe the problem is that there is a bug in the yosys version we are using. This version is:

Yosys 0.9+932 (git sha1 UNKNOWN, x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ 7.3.0-16ubuntu3 -O3 -DNDEBUG)

Obijuan commented 4 years ago

All right! I've found the problem! Icestudio by default assign a default value of 0, so in the first pass, yosys uses N = 0 and the $clog2(0) function fails, assigning -1 to M
That can be fixed just by adding a default value different from 0. It cannot be done directly in Studio yet, but this is how can be solved in the previous example:


A new constant is created with etither the parameterized N value or 16 for de default value. Now it synthesizes ok.

In the case of your RS232-RecierverSender we can declare a second constant: Oversamplig2 that includes de default value and use it for calling the log2 function

//-- Set the default value for oversampling localparam Oversampling2 = (Oversampling==0) ? 16 : Oversampling; localparam l2o = log2(Oversampling2);

The rest of the code is the same than before.

This is the fixed circuit (I have not test if it works, just that it synthesized with no error):


When you test it leave a comment here and I will close this issue

DavidGoedicke commented 4 years ago

Thank you for looking at it. I will try out the changes later today.

A quick "understanding" question: The $clog2() function should work the same as the one that was written in the code (log2)?

Obijuan commented 4 years ago

A quick "understanding" question: The $clog2() function should work the same as the one that was written in the code (log2)?

Yes. The $clog2() is the verilog system function for that