Closed gmanc2 closed 8 years ago
As you can see all of the assests are in place for sql and
RP_MySQLConfig = {} -- Ignore this line
Welcome to MySQL for DarkRP!
In this file you can find a manual for MySQL configuration and the MySQL config settings.
RP_MySQLConfig.EnableMySQL = true -- Set to true if you want to use an external MySQL database, false if you want to use the built in SQLite database (garrysmod/sv.db) of Garry's mod.
RP_MySQLConfig.Host = "ip" -- This is the IP address of the MySQL host. Make sure the IP address is correct and in quotation marks (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Username = "obn" -- This is the username to log in on the MySQL server.
-- contact the owner of the server about the username and password. Make sure it's in quotation marks! (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Password = "password" -- This is the Password to log in on the MySQL server,
-- Everyone who has access to FTP on the server can read this password.
-- Make sure you know who to trust. Make sure it's in quotation marks (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Database_name = "obn_ww" -- This is the name of the Database on the MySQL server. Contact the MySQL server host to find out what this is
RP_MySQLConfig.Database_port = 3306 -- This is the port of the MySQL server. Again, contact the MySQL server host if you don't know this.
RP_MySQLConfig.Preferred_module = "tmysql4" -- Preferred module, case sensitive, must be either "mysqloo" or "tmysql4". Only applies when both are installed.
RP_MySQLConfig.MultiStatements = false -- Only available in tmysql4: allow multiple SQL statements per query. Has no effect if no scripts use it.
Download andyvincent's/Drakehawke's/KingofBeast's gm_MySQL OO module and read the guide here:
- There are always errors on the server, try if you can see those (with HLDS/server logs)
- the same errors are also in the logs if you can't find the errors on the server.
the logs are at garrysmod/data/DarkRP_logs/ on the SERVER!
The MySQL lines in the log always precede with "MySQL Error:" (without the quotation marks)
- make sure the settings in this file (mysql.lua) are correct
- make sure the MySQL server is accessible from the servers IP
Have you double checked to make sure you've correctly uploaded DarkRP to your server? If you are using Filezilla, you will likely find that some files were not uploaded or are corrupted.
Try using for an alternative FTP Client to Filezilla.
@Shigbeard All files were uploaded...
Could you post the first error you see? jobTable errors are usually caused by earlier errors.
[ERROR] addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:980: table index is nil
1. unknown - addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:980
2. doInclude - [C]:-1
3. loadCustomDarkRPItems - gamemodes/ww1/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua:137
4. Call - gamemodes/ww1/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua:148
5. unknown - gamemodes/ww1/gamemode/cl_init.lua:53
Ah, that is an error in your jobs file. Around line 980. It probably is that one of your teams listed under GAMEMODE.CivilProtection does not exist.
@Bo98 The last on my jobs file is 691
I also get this
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[PlayerSelectSpawn] Error! No spawn points!
Why did you close this @FPtje
Not a help forum
But it's obviously and error with the update you just made as I've never had this error in the past @FPtje
To me it obviously isn't because MySQL works fine for me. Everything loads, everything works just fine.
Hello, @FPtje for me the SQL database is not working, I have the same error as @gmanc2, I installed a at the root of me ServerFiles and I will install in garrysmod / lua / bin ( I create the bin directory) gmsv_mysqloo_linux64.dll, do you have an answer to this problem?
MySQLite itself should load with DarkRP, even when MySQL itself isn't installed or doesn't work. There must be an earlier error than the one in your last screenshot that would prevent MySQLite from loading.
I have to ask, did you happen to use FileZilla to copy over the DarkRP folder to your server?
I use MobaXterm for connect to my VPS ovh and i install darkrpmodification for connect at my database and your gamemode DarkRP
Guessing FileZilla was a longshot. I think DarkRP is not installed correctly, or some addon breaks it. You should see some earlier errors while the server is starting up or loading a map.
I have deactivated all the addons and I still have the same error, sorry to disturb you the end we don't see :
[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/init.lua:112: attempt to index global 'MySQLite' (a nil value)
Couldn't Load Init Script: 'darkrp/gamemode/init.lua'
That error is much clearer: it fails to load the MySQLOO module, which means it's either the wrong version or not installed properly.
Description of the bug
Won't save to database
How to make the bug happen
Its constant
Lua errors
L 07/09/2016 - 17:07:10: Lua Error: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:241: attempt to index local 'jobTable' (a nil value)
unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:241
[ERROR] addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:980: table index is nil
unknown - addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:980
[DarkRP] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/fn.lua:252: attempt to index local 'xs' (a nil value)
[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/fadmin/fadmin/access/sv_init.lua:382: attempt to index global 'MySQLite' (a nil value)
Why the developer of DarkRP is responsible for this issue
Last night a commit was made and I updated and now sql simply doesnt work... it worked before now it doesn't...