FPtje / Falcos-Prop-protection

Falco's prop protection
35 stars 39 forks source link


Closed PotatoTheFish closed 7 years ago

PotatoTheFish commented 7 years ago

I cant check any settings on my FPP, Running darkrp 2.6.1 version. I really need help gamebreaking.

Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_detonators" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_explosive" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_hoverballs" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_target_finders" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_thrusters" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_turrets" Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_wheels" Unknown command "sbox_maxfireworks" Unknown command "sbox_maxtextscreens" Unknown command "atmos_weather" Changing gamemode to DarkRP (darkrp) WARNING: Port 27005 was unavailable - bound to port 27010 instead Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27055 SV / 27010 CL PREP OK MDLCache: Props_Lighting\LightFixture02.mdl needs to be recompiled SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_lab/corkboard001.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_tides/tides_woodenfences_b.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_tides/tides_woodenfences_b.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_tides/tides_woodenfences_b.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_tides/tides_woodenfences_b.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_tides/tides_woodenfences_b.mdl)

.................................................................... [title]........... Arivia [build]........... v2.0.2 [released]........ July 14, 2016 [author].......... Richard [website]......... https://scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/1679/ [documentation]... http://docs.iamrichardt.net/products/1679/ [owner]........... 76561198071272922 [server ip]....... ....................................................................

[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'autorun/addwheelstolistbasic.lua' (@addons/tdmscars_112607905/lua/autorun/addwheelstolist_tdm.lua (line 1)) Atlas chat version 2.4.1 has loaded!

[ERROR] addons/circle_printers/lua/autorun/autorun_circle.lua:62: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 54) near 'end'

  1. unknown - addons/circle_printers/lua/autorun/autorun_circle.lua:0

Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\cryptrandom.lua' (File not found) () ######################


Currently using insecure method of random number generation.

This makes it trivial for a malicious actor to cheat the system

(for example accurately guess the contents of a shuffled deck)

This allows said person to cheat the system without trace!

Games will continue working normally, but it is VERY highly advised

to install the secure random number generation module.

Type 'casinokit_cryptohelp' in RCON (the console you're reading right

now) for installation instructions.

###################### Couldn't include file 'autorun\cs_go_st6_playermodel .lua' (File not found) () GibMod2 Server Initialized Weapon Strip con var created Penetration/ricochet con var created Recoil con var created Ammo crate detonation con var created Damage Multiplier con var created Default Clip con var created Unique Slots con var created Explosive Nerve Gas con var created Davy Crockett timer created Loading 'mediaplayer' addon... Mining table already exists

/====================================\ PlayX
Version 2.8.20
Updated on 2016-11-11 06:51 PM


Loaded realgroup config. [ReferRewards] The players' data file has been loaded succesfully.


          _     _                     
         | |   | |                    
         | |__ | |     ___   __ _ ___ 
         | '_ \| |    / _ \ / _` / __|
         | |_) | |___| (_) | (_| \__ \
         |_.__/|______\___/ \__, |___/
                             __/ |    


         Licensed to 76561198147380855


//////////////////////////////////////////// // Loading Perma Weapons System Files // // www.scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/2970 // // Created by ToBadForYou // ////////////////////////////////////////////

[ERROR] addons/permaweapons/lua/sh_permaweapons_config.lua:89: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 86) near '{'

  1. unknown - addons/permaweapons/lua/sh_permaweapons_config.lua:0

/////////////////////////////// // Ulysses Library // /////////////////////////////// // Loading... // // shared/defines.lua // // shared/misc.lua // // shared/util.lua // // shared/hook.lua // // shared/table.lua // // shared/player.lua // // server/player.lua // // shared/messages.lua // // shared/commands.lua // // server/concommand.lua // // server/util.lua // // shared/sh_ucl.lua // // server/ucl.lua // // server/phys.lua // // server/player_ext.lua // // server/entity_ext.lua // // shared/plugin.lua // // shared/cami_global.lua // // shared/cami_ulib.lua // // Load Complete! // /////////////////////////////// [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: playx_ulib_group_manager.lua [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua /////////////////////////////// // ULX Admin Mod // /////////////////////////////// // Loading... // // sh_defines.lua // // lib.lua // // base.lua // // sh_base.lua // // log.lua // // MODULE: slots.lua // // MODULE: uteam.lua // // MODULE: votemap.lua // // MODULE: xgui_server.lua // /////////////////////////////// // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man // /////////////////////////////// // Adding Main Modules.. // // bans.lua // // commands.lua // // groups.lua // // maps.lua // // settings.lua // // Adding Setting Modules.. // // cl_apromote.lua // // client.lua // // server.lua // // Adding Gamemode Modules.. // // sandbox.lua // // Loading Server Modules.. // // sv_apromote.lua // // sv_bans.lua // // sv_groups.lua // // sv_maps.lua // // sv_sandbox.lua // // sv_settings.lua // // XGUI modules added! // /////////////////////////////// // MODULE: blogs.lua // // MODULE: cb_freezeprops.lua// // MODULE: cc_chat.lua // // MODULE: cc_commandtable.lua// // MODULE: cc_cvars.lua // // MODULE: cc_effects.lua // // MODULE: cc_fun.lua // // MODULE: cc_hook.lua // // MODULE: cc_menus.lua // // MODULE: cc_notepad.lua // // MODULE: cc_pgag.lua // // MODULE: cc_rcon.lua // // MODULE: cc_soundlist.lua // // MODULE: cc_teleport.lua // // MODULE: cc_util.lua // // MODULE: cc_voting.lua // // MODULE: changetime.lua // // MODULE: chat.lua // // MODULE: extented.lua // // MODULE: fun.lua // // MODULE: menus.lua // // MODULE: money.lua // // MODULE: nlr_sh.lua // // MODULE: rcon.lua // // MODULE: teleport.lua // // MODULE: user.lua // // MODULE: userhelp.lua // // MODULE: util.lua // // MODULE: vote.lua // // end.lua // // Load Complete! // ///////////////////////////////

Loading William's Car Dealer version 7.1.0

WCD Various File loaded WCD Fuel File loaded WCD Data File loaded WCD Admin File loaded Wiremod Version 'Workshop' loaded [ACD] Successfully initialize. true Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\lac.lua' (File not found) () no LAC extension module ( ITS OPTIONAL!!! ), cvar and specific concommand checking not avaible! Reason: Module not found! Copy it from addons/lac/lua/bin to lua/bin and rename it to gmsv_lac_win32.dll! Loaded LAC v1.8b Loaded LAC monitor convar list! ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_settings.lua) ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_sql.lua) -- Hit Numbers loaded -- [HM] Hitman Module 2.2 by BC BEST on ScriptFodder.

| Loading ServerSide PermaProps |

permaprops/sv_lib.lua permaprops/sv_menu.lua permaprops/sv_permissions.lua permaprops/sv_specialfcn.lua permaprops/sv_sql.lua

| Loading Shared PermaProps |

| Loading ClientSide PermaProps |

permaprops/cl_drawent.lua permaprops/cl_menu.lua

--[ Workshop disabler loaded ]-- Couldn't include file '..\wd_config.lua' (File not found) (@lua/autorun/server/wd_init.lua (line 1)) material models/tai/heavy/mithrilsoldiersheet has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.

conviction/kestrel.mdl/Humans\male_shared.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/Humans\male_shared.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_LH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/Humans\male_ss.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/Humans\male_ss.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_LH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/humans\male_gestures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/humans\male_gestures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_LH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/humans\male_postures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH" conviction/kestrel.mdl/humans\male_postures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_LH" MDLCache: Player_Flareon.mdl needs to be recompiled Error! Variable "$envmapcontrast" is multiply defined in material "katharsmodels/syringe_out/syringe_body"!

[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "your custom entities" on line -1. The best help I can give you is this:

The category of "Drums" ("") does not exist!


The responsibility for this error lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files: your custom entities ------- End of Simplerr error -------

  1. error - [C]:-1
    1. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:462
    2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/fn.lua:82
      1. mergeCategories - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:1017
      2. fn - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:1037
      3. Run - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:110
      4. fn - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua:142
        1. Run - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:110
        2. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/init.lua:81

Couldn't Load Init Script: 'darkrp/gamemode/init.lua' Default clips will be not be modified HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available! [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'cl_moneyrequest_tylerb.lua' (@entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/sv_moneyrequest_tylerb.lua (line 23)) Loaded TylerB's money e2 functions. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'cl_shipments_tylerb.lua' (@entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/sv_shipments_tylerb.lua (line 12)) Loaded TylerB's shipment e2 functions. +---------------------------------+ | E2 EXTENSIONS | +----------------+----------------+ | ENABLED | DISABLED | +----------------+----------------+ | console | camera | | file | constraintcore | | find | effects | | holo | holoanim | | http | light | | npc | propcore | | ranger | remoteupload | | serialization | tracesystem | | sound | wiring | +----------------+----------------+ ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_veyronss from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base! ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_350z from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base! ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_saab_99_turbo from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base! ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_transit from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base! ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_bmw from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!

[bLogs] Running B7

[bLogs] There are currently 5 files that will be loaded once a player spawns. [bLogs] Not running bLogs MySQL because it is disabled.

[Arivia] Script is up to date. Client "PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP" connected ( Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antie2minge" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_antispawninprop" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_worldprops" Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg. Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnected" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupadmin" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatenoweapons" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_canblocked" ServerLog: AWarn: Message Table Exists ServerLog: AWarn: Player Data Table Exists ServerLog: AWarn: Server Field Exists. No NPC spawnpoints found for this map No Refinery spawnpoints found for this map No Crafting spawnpoints found for this map [ORG ADDON]: The NPC has been spawned in the map! Loaded language: english. Language file last change: april 5 2016

ServerLog: AWarn: Your server info has been updated to the online statistics tracking

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)] Spawning textscreens... Spawned 7 textscreens for map rp_downtown_evilmelon_v1

William's Car Dealer was loaded successfully! Loaded after: 100 seconds

Vehicles found: 31 Loaded 2 dealers. Spawned 0 design triggers.

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)]

[ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48: attempt to call method 'SetPump' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua:48

Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/entities/fuelpump_base/init.lua (line 46)] [APG] DRM loaded successfully ! [APG] DRM loaded successfully ! [APG] DRM loaded successfully ! [APG] DRM loaded successfully ! [APG] DRM loaded successfully ! [APG] DRM loaded successfully ! ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) is Authed ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Spawned for the first time Initializing PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP.PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP owns 3 vehicles [bLogs] First player has spawned. Any delayed loggers will now be loaded.

[bLogs] Loading delayed logger file "darkrp.lua" [bLogs] Loaded logger "Chat"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Lockpicks"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Arrests"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Unarrests"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Job changes"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "RP Name changes"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Demotes"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Doors/Vehicles"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Battering ram"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Hits"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Buys"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Wanted"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Warrants"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Pocket"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Weapon Checks"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Adverts"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Economy"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Laws"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Agenda"!

[bLogs] Loading delayed logger file "default.lua" [bLogs] Loaded logger "Weapon Pickups"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Connects/Disconnects"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Player Kills"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Prop/Entity Kills"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Player Damage"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Player Damage 2"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Prop/Entity Damage"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Car Damage"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Car Deathmatch"!

[bLogs] Loading delayed logger file "extras.lua" [bLogs] Loaded logger "ULX"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "FAdmin"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "AWarn"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Hitman Module"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "NLR Zones"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Cuffs"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "LAC"!

[ERROR] Billy's Logs:1116: attempt to concatenate local 'hok' (a function value)

  1. AddHook - Billy's Logs:1116
    1. unknown - addons/_blogs-revamped-2-7/lua/blogs/loggers/delayed/extras.lua:278
    2. include - [C]:-1
      1. LoadDelayedLoggers - Billy's Logs:1134
      2. func - Billy's Logs:1159
      3. fn - Billy's Logs:1105
      4. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:110

[bLogs] Loading delayed logger file "sandbox.lua" [bLogs] Loaded logger "Toolgun"! [bLogs] Loaded logger "Q Menu/Spawning"!

[bLogs] Loading delayed logger file "ttt.lua"

ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Spawned OreBag Contents: Raw: Bronze = 0 Copper = 0 Gold = 0 Iron = 0 Tin = 2 Refined: Bronze = 0 Copper = 0 Gold = 0 Iron = 0 Tin = 0 ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a itemstore_pickup ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a keys ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physcannon ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a gmod_camera ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a pocket ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a mining_orebag ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a weapon_keypadchecker ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a door_ram ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a arrest_stick ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a unarrest_stick ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a stunstick ServerLog: PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP (STEAM_0:0:55503597) Attempted to pick up a weaponchecker [PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP|2|STEAM_0:0:55503597] Lua Error:

[ERROR] addons/circle_printers/lua/autorun/autorun_circle.lua:62: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 54) near 'end'

  1. unknown - addons/circle_printers/lua/autorun/autorun_circle.lua:0

[PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP|2|STEAM_0:0:55503597] Lua Error:

[ERROR] addons/permaweapons/lua/sh_permaweapons_config.lua:89: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 86) near '{'

  1. unknown - addons/permaweapons/lua/sh_permaweapons_config.lua:0

[PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP|2|STEAM_0:0:55503597] Lua Error:

[DarkRP] A runtime error has occurred in "your custom entities" on line -1. The best help I can give you is this:

The category of "Drums" ("") does not exist!


The responsibility for this error lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files: your custom entities ------- End of Simplerr error -------

  1. error - [C]:-1
    1. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:462
    2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/fn.lua:82
      1. mergeCategories - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:1017
      2. fn - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:1037
      3. Run - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:110
      4. fn - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua:142
        1. Run - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:110
        2. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/cl_init.lua:47

[PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP|2|STEAM_0:0:55503597] Lua Error: Couldn't Load Init Script: 'darkrp/gamemode/cl_init.lua'

[PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP|2|STEAM_0:0:55503597] Lua Error:

[ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_workshop_disabler.lua:18: attempt to index local 'cVar' (a nil value)

  1. Function - lua/autorun/client/cl_workshop_disabler.lua:18
    1. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/spawnmenu/creationmenu.lua:38

[PotatoTurtle | SimpleRP|2|STEAM_0:0:55503597] Lua Error:

[ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_workshop_disabler.lua:18: attempt to index local 'cVar' (a nil value)

  1. Function - lua/autorun/client/cl_workshop_disabler.lua:18
    1. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/spawnmenu/creationmenu.lua:38

Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupadmin" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_freezedisconnected" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antie2minge" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnected" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnectedtime" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropsize" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_antispawninprop" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropdowngradecount" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropwait" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropghostlimit" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropantispam" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropdenylimit" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_duplicatorlimit" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatenoweapons" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawniswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawnadmincanweapon" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatorprotect" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawnadmincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_propsonly" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_protectpropdamage" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_noshooting" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_reloadprotection" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupadmin" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_freezedisconnected" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antie2minge" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnected" Unknown command "_FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnectedtime" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropsize" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_antispawninprop" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropdowngradecount" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropwait" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropghostlimit" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropantispam" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropdenylimit" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_duplicatorlimit" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatenoweapons" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawniswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawnadmincanweapon" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatorprotect" Unknown command "_FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawnadmincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_propsonly" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_protectpropdamage" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PLAYERUSE1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_GRAVGUN1_noshooting" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminall" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_shownocross" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_toggle" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_checkconstrained" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminworldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_admincanblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_worldprops" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_canblocked" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_iswhitelist" Unknown command "_FPP_PHYSGUN1_reloadprotection" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_antispawninprop" Unknown command "_FPP_ANTISPAM1_toggle"

PotatoTheFish commented 7 years ago

By check I mean enable.

FPtje commented 7 years ago

You have a million errors and conclude that it's not you, but FPP that's broken.

PotatoTheFish commented 7 years ago

Do you know how to fix this?

FPtje commented 7 years ago

I don't have the time for that stuff.

PotatoTheFish commented 7 years ago

I mean you dont have time to fix your own mod? :/ Its game breaking for my server

FPtje commented 7 years ago

I have time to fix things for which I am responsible. You clearly broke your own fucking game. On a server that boots with motherfucking syntax errors I cannot and will not make any guarantees on whether and how FPP works. Those promises are dropped from the moment you have a syntax error.

YOU fucked up your server. YOU are responsible for managing it. It's a god damn mystery to me how you manage to ignore this fucking spam of errors from different addons your console is throwing at you, only to load the game and conclude that FPP doesn't work as expected and that I'm somehow responsible for your entire fucking game being broken.

PotatoTheFish commented 7 years ago

Jeez man no need to over react, I just came to ask help.

FPtje commented 7 years ago

I will not have anyone accuse me of not maintaining my software when they broke it themselves.

PotatoTheFish commented 7 years ago

Ok, just please chill. I know you are busy and alot of people asking you form help. Since you said you dont want to help me that is fine.