I've been trying to setup custom entities and weapon shipments via darkrpmodification and it don't seem to work. But still the custom jobs work perfectly fine. And no i dont have any issues with M9K or any mods for the entities period. I'm really tired at this point and no-one i've reached out to has any concrete tips. So if falco sees this please. Help me goddamnit.
For help there's the DarkRP discord. I've decided a long time ago that helping people customizer DarkRP is not a level of support I'm willing to give. I hope you'll find help there.
I've been trying to setup custom entities and weapon shipments via darkrpmodification and it don't seem to work. But still the custom jobs work perfectly fine. And no i dont have any issues with M9K or any mods for the entities period. I'm really tired at this point and no-one i've reached out to has any concrete tips. So if falco sees this please. Help me goddamnit.