Complete #1 prior to tackling.
The IR array attached to the launcher needs logic to properly position the node. For example, if we were to use 6 IR sensors in the array we might do something like this:
00000 = Extrude fast (intaking)
10000 = Extrude pretty fast
11000 = Extrude slowly
11100 = Extrude creep
01110 = PERFECT! Stop
00111 = Retract creep
00011 = Retract slowly
00001 = Retract pretty fast
Other states = Error?
Definition of done:
Implement a method in the launcher subsystem that will produce the correct motor inputs to center the note in the launcher based on sensor input
Complete #1 prior to tackling. The IR array attached to the launcher needs logic to properly position the node. For example, if we were to use 6 IR sensors in the array we might do something like this: 00000 = Extrude fast (intaking) 10000 = Extrude pretty fast 11000 = Extrude slowly 11100 = Extrude creep 01110 = PERFECT! Stop 00111 = Retract creep 00011 = Retract slowly 00001 = Retract pretty fast Other states = Error?
Definition of done: