FRC-Sonic-Squirrels / 2024-Robot-Code

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Image Raspberry and Orange Pis #70

Open randomstring opened 10 months ago

randomstring commented 10 months ago

Latest release for PotonVision

For each:

randomstring commented 9 months ago

@dylanh12210 There's a bug in the OPi5 image when setting up the static IPs. Here's what you have to do:

0) when first setting up a static IP The "NetworkManager Interface" was blank.
1) switched to DHCP, saved/applied 2) "NetworkManager Interface" was now populated with "netplan-eth0" selected that, selected static IP again and hit save/apply and it worked. This is on the OPi5 2024.2.4 image.

we might see the same problem on RPi5s so keep a lookout.

randomstring commented 9 months ago

I discovered today that the allowable static IP ranges for devices is - (addresses .20 and above are reserved for DHCP)

We need to reconfigure all the Pis to use ip addresses,,,

Details here:

randomstring commented 9 months ago

@dylanh12210 in addition to changing the IP addresses noted above. We need to rename all the "See3CAM_CUG" to be numbered. Otherwise the robot code can only see one camera at a time.

How about we change them to "See3CAM_CUG_1" on, "See3CAM_CUG_2" on", etc (matching the number labeled on the camera and matching it to the last number of the IP address of the Pi.

Screenshot 2024-02-11 at 3 13 29 PM
dylanh12210 commented 9 months ago

Renaming the camera in photonvision only renames it locally on the pi, not the camera it's self. Also according to @LuminousLlama , we will not have 2 of the same models of cameras into the same pi.