extract X, Y, and yaw(?) values from limelight/botpose
convert X and Y to inches, figure out if yaw needs to be converted (e.g., degrees to radians or vice versa)
write converted values to
Also read the correct value from limelight/?? to determine whether the limelight has a valid tag or not
Update swerveometer so that
IF the limelight has a valid tag THEN it resets the bot's pose estimate (the x, y, rotation values the robot thinks it currently has) to the limelight values (note: if the limelight does NOT see a tag, the pose estimate should NOT be updated from vision--it would instead be updated by the swervometer's odometry)
Next steps for Wed 2/15:
Update swerveometer so that IF the limelight has a valid tag THEN it resets the bot's pose estimate (the x, y, rotation values the robot thinks it currently has) to the limelight values (note: if the limelight does NOT see a tag, the pose estimate should NOT be updated from vision--it would instead be updated by the swervometer's odometry)