FRC2706 / 2020-2706-Robot-Code

The Robot Code for the 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition INFINITE RECHARGE
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Prototyping: Operator Control Sensitivity #12

Open nicojopr opened 4 years ago

nicojopr commented 4 years ago

complaint is that Mergonaut controls were too sensitive what can we do to adjust this? (square inputs etc) do different controller options help? can we make this user adjustable? will need feedback from a 2019 driver.

kevlam2706 commented 4 years ago

This is related to the issue we are investigating for the prototype shooter, which is that drivers want to be able to precisely aim which direction the robot is pointing without overshooting (which can be described as twitchiness).


kevlam2706 commented 4 years ago

Use Mergonaut for this investigation and get Erik's feedback as he was the driver and is familiar with how the robot handled last year.

If we can find something better that he likes, we can use this information to make the 2020 robot drive better.

weizhang-2706 commented 4 years ago

I am thinking if two types of control: coarse control plus fine control, could help this. For example, coarse control can move robot faster and fine control just provides a smaller and more accurate adjustment.

nicojopr commented 4 years ago

Initial version based on software team's drive preferences to be delivered. New task will be created for any changes identified later by drive team.