FRC2706 / 2020-2706-Robot-Code

The Robot Code for the 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition INFINITE RECHARGE
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Prototyping: Current Limiting on Drivetrain #13

Closed nicojopr closed 4 years ago

nicojopr commented 4 years ago

-take an existing robot and apply current limiting profiles to the drivetrain -goal is to shut down the motors if they're stalling for too long (pushing against opponent) (or apply motor brake?) -but do not prevent ability to fight back minor skirmishes or recover from crashing into a field obstacle -add a warning system before motors cut off so that drive team does not get surprised by a sudden power loss?

kevlam2706 commented 4 years ago

Use Mergonaut for this task as we already know how it behaves without the current limiting profiles.

Citysurvivor commented 4 years ago

Starting now on Feb 10th. Open to collab with other students if anyone wants to.

kevlam2706 commented 4 years ago

Suggest the following resources to help:

Feel free to Google and search places like the Chief Delphi forums to see what other teams are doing for drivetrain current limiting, though I recognize that this is like trying to drink from a firehose.