FRC4561TerrorBytes / TB2024

Terror Bytes #4561 Robot code for 2024 FRC season: Crescendo
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Build error #16

Closed mamipro-123 closed 7 months ago

mamipro-123 commented 7 months ago

Hello, I really liked the real shooter you made. When I wanted to build your code, CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. talon fx 5 () Status Signal DutyCycle CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 20 () Status Signal Yaw CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 20 () Status Signal AngularVelocityZWorld CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 20 () Status Signal QuatW CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 20 () Status Signal QuatX CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 20 () Status Signal QuatY CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 20 () Status Signal QuatZ CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. talon fx 1 () Status Signal DutyCycle DataLog: Log file deleted, recreating as fresh log 'wpilog_1326a3cf89b79d52.2.wpilog' DataLog: Could not open log file '/U/wpilog_1326a3cf89b79d52.2.wpilog': No such file or directory DataLog: Could not open log file '/U/wpilog_7a06bb48cf851e7d.wpilog': No such file or directory DataLog: Could not open log file '/U/wpilog_131b1e04b704e4a4.wpilog': No such file or directory DataLog: Could not open log file '/U/wpilog_934a3803ecb8498a.wpilog': No such file or directory DataLog: Could not open log file '/U/wpilog_69e8c89cdec20ed7.wpilog': No such file or directory DataLog: Could not open log file, no log being saved Warning at com.revrobotics.CANSparkMax.( CANSparkMax object created for CAN ID 2, which is not a SPARK MAX. Some functionalities may not work. at com.revrobotics.CANSparkMax.( at at frc.robot.RobotContainer.( at frc.robot.Robot.robotInit( at org.littletonrobotics.junction.LoggedRobot.startCompetition( at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.runRobot( at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.lambda$startRobot$0( at java.base/

[CAN SPARK] IDs: 2, Parameter type mismatch for parameter id Getting Product ID parameter failed. Unable to account for device-specific behavior differences.

CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. cancoder 21 () Status Signal Position Error at java.base/java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method): Unhandled exception: java.lang.ArrayStoreException: arraycopy: element type mismatch: can not cast one of the elements of java.lang.Object[] to the type of the destination array, java.lang.String at java.base/java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method) at java.base/java.util.Arrays.copyOf( at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.toArray( at frc.robot.subsystems.SelfCheck.SelfCheckingPhoenixMotor.faultsInArray( at at frc.robot.RobotContainer.( at frc.robot.Robot.robotInit( at org.littletonrobotics.junction.LoggedRobot.startCompetition( at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.runRobot( at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.lambda$startRobot$0( at java.base/

Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.runRobot( The robot program quit unexpectedly. This is usually due to a code error. The above stacktrace can help determine where the error occurred. See for more information. Error at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.runRobot( The startCompetition() method (or methods called by it) should have handled the exception above. [phoenix-diagnostics] Server shutdown cleanly. (dur:0)

[phoenix] Library shutdown cleanly

I'm getting errors can you help me?

MGuron commented 7 months ago

Make sure your CAN IDs are correct, the Real-Shooter branch was built for testing the shooter on a testing board and not connected to the rest of the robot. The CAN IDs used on the shooter were 1 & 2, which will clash with the drivetrain CAN IDs.

mamipro-123 commented 7 months ago

This is what I see when I simulate the default code directly after building it. I didn't change anything.

MGuron commented 7 months ago

In that case, you need to make sure you change the currentMode constant to Mode.Sim in

mamipro-123 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your help, your software is amazing.