FRC5549Robotics / 5549-2020

FRC Team 5549's 2019-2020 Robot Code
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Distance vs RPM Function for Shooter #15

Open dylantknguyen opened 4 years ago

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

Objective: To calculate RPM needed to shoot the ball a set distance away from the outer port.

Currently, there are no other solutions other than testing the capabilities of the shooter by running multiple tests. This would consist of setting the model outer port at different distances and changing the RPM to see whether it will reach the target at the RPM. Repeat this until the RPM is found and repeat for multiple distances.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

I found this resource on WPILib's documentation. While WPILib only supports Java and C++, some of it might still apply to us.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

tulser commented 4 years ago

See and look at function shootAuto() for a proposed implementation.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

This was implemented in 0ebfc56. It still needs more values for longer distances. Ask Ethan for the spreadsheet used for calculation.