FRC5549Robotics / 5549-2020

FRC Team 5549's 2019-2020 Robot Code
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Possible Autonomous Routes to Implement #19

Open danlenshin opened 4 years ago

danlenshin commented 4 years ago

In the playbook, located in the team drive under Robot-Related\Strat Scouting\2020 Infinite Recharge\2020 Playbook the autonomous routes I wish to have implemented are all in section 1. As of right now, these are:

tulser commented 4 years ago

I'll look at it bro

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

When the match starts run the intake which will hopefully drop it down. If doesn't work move backwards while running the intake.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

We plan to have multiple autonomous routes

  1. Shoot three balls while in front of the goal, collect balls from our own trench, shoot the balls, and ideally back up to the balls near the control panel.

  2. Shoot balls while on the line then move backwards to collect the three balls from the center of the field. Move forward again and shoot

  3. Collect balls from the opponents trench and moves up towards the center of the field. Shoot the balls and then collect the three balls from the center and shoot.