FRC830 / 2023-Tasks

This 2023-Tasks repo is for tasks that don't have another home
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Cut wheel tread, drill holes, and screw onto Swerve wheels #51

Closed mckartha closed 1 year ago

mckartha commented 1 year ago







mckartha commented 1 year ago

Progress on wheel tread

It turns out that some of the holes did not get drilled exactly where needed - so needed some additional adjustment with drills - this isn't an exact science.

The holes on some of the treads were too near the sides and other holes weren't inline perpendicular to the sides making screwing in the bolts difficult.

Partially this is due to the first tread strip having some inaccuracy at one end of the strip where the holes were offset to one side by some millimeters.

It's also possible/likely that the original hole markings, which were made by a thumbtack through the metal wheel into the back of tread held on with a strap - so many of these tread holes probably weren't exactly in the center of the wheel hole.

Some hints:

We should consider if these treads or something similar could be attached to the metal wheels with industrial double-sided tape and/or velcro with industrial adhesive backing


