[x] Sampling points along intervals instead of blindly using all points to prevent the regression from getting weird
[x] Saving more data with shooter (velocity)
[x] Registering data when a shot is taken
State Machine still needs:
[x] Null command handling (really just a safety check, if the robot is unable to determine what other alliance its on or something like that the command will be null and we need to gracefully handle this)
[x] A way to chain commands, right now it only gets the current command for the state and when its done itll just stop
[x] Actually creating and using the statemachine in robot container
[x] Per-alliance targets
[x] Way to force reset the state
[ ] Spit out notes on state reset
[x] Some states need to be kicked back when certain conditions stop being true
The state machine is (almost) finished.
Auto aiming still needs:
State Machine still needs: