FREEZX / fq777-954-chrome-app

Chrome app for controlling the FQ777-954 drone
43 stars 18 forks source link

Instructions #1

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I know it's in development and I really appreciate that you already released what you have, but a short instruction how to setup things would be awesome. Keep up the work. :+1:

btw: This app should work cross platform (windows, linux, os x) in chrome browsers, right?

FREEZX commented 8 years ago

Yup, it should work cross-platform, no problem. It should also be fairly easy to port to android and ios via cordova. To set up, first just follow the standard chrome app tutorial (load chrome app from folder).

ghost commented 8 years ago

Sorry. I wasn't clear about the steps that are missing for me. I already had the extension installed, but when launching it a window pops up which has a small black box in it. Thats all. I have a Sixaxis PS3 controller on Linux (tested with jstest-gtk).

The extension does at least do something. If I open it and am connected to the FQ777 the binding LEDs stop flashing. But moving the PS3 controller sticks seems to do nothing.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I found the error logs: screenshot from 2016-03-28 17 58 53

ghost commented 8 years ago

Trying it on Win10 did work now. Did you bind button R2 to throttle on purpose? I'd even rather hold down left stick before start.

btw: It should be fairly easy to implement a "safe mode" switch like on bigger quadcopters that toggles command send on and off. You then can have throttle on left stick and make for example L2 button start / stop flight command transmission. You would not have to hold down the throttle stick. Just stop transmission after flight and its safe.

EDIT: forgot to mention that I use xbox 360 gamepad layout

FREEZX commented 8 years ago

Yep, i felt like i have more control of the throttle with R2 without it affecting the rotation of the drone, but now i think it might be better to have R2 increase throttle and L2 to decrease the throttle. I'm not sure what happens when the drone stops receiving data, but i think it's a good idea to have the safe mode (maybe start button on the gamepad).

ghost commented 8 years ago

My friend has a flight controller joystick for PC. I'd love to try flying with that! Would it be difficult to rebind the buttons and sticks? (might have to deal with inverted values) I didn't figure out yet what exactly needs to be changed to make the stick instead of R2 control the throttle.

I actually have another idea for the script. Sorry for only bringing them up, but not being able to implement them :D

My idea: The user can enter a "mapping mode" in which the App asks the user to put the sticks on 0% throttle, 100% throttle, left yaw, right yaw, roll, pitch... etc

This would cover any type of control preference at once.

ghost commented 8 years ago

After having a second look at the code I found that main.js is not used (yet ?).. Editing build.js brought me "Mode 2" controls and normal throttle (can be found at my fork)

btw: I really hope that you can implement video stream. Would be awesome!

FREEZX commented 8 years ago

main.js is being built into build.js by using browserify and/or watchify, so we can have a more organized codebase.

ghost commented 8 years ago

ok My friend and I tried joystick controlling it last week and it actually worked. The spring on the joystick is a bit awkward to work against, but all in all it's verry intuitive and fun. Are you still planning on implementing video stream or did you run into a major issue? I didn't try the other guys C# code from reddit so I cant tell if the problem even theoretically is solved. btw: the reddit thread seems to be dead by now

mir888 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I have drone Cheerson cx10w wifi version, it can be controlled with app I wanted to be able to control this drone with my gamepad, I am using gamepad - I tested my Tracer gamepad here and everything was working. When I installed your chrome app It didn't work with my gamepad Tracer. When connected the binding LEDs of my drone stop flashing. But when I try to move the gamepad Tracer controller sticks and pressing all the buttons noting happened. Attaching chrome log info... 1

Do you have any idea what should be done your chrome app to work with my gamepad - and drone Cheerson cx10w wifi version.

Thanks in advance, Maria