FREEZX / fq777-954-chrome-app

Chrome app for controlling the FQ777-954 drone
43 stars 18 forks source link

Need Hot fix gamepad Tracer and drone Cheerson cx10w #6

Closed mir888 closed 7 years ago

mir888 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I have drone Cheerson cx10w wifi version, it can be controlled with app I wanted to be able to control this drone with my gamepad, I am using gamepad - I tested my Tracer gamepad here and everything was working. When I installed your chrome app It didn't work with my gamepad Tracer. When connected the binding LEDs of my drone stop flashing. But when I try to move the gamepad Tracer controller sticks and pressing all the buttons noting happened. Attaching chrome log info... 1

Do you have any idea what should be done your chrome app to work with my gamepad - and drone Cheerson cx10w wifi version.

Thanks in advance, Maria