FREEZX / fq777-954-chrome-app

Chrome app for controlling the FQ777-954 drone
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VideoStreaming #8

Open LaryLee opened 7 years ago

LaryLee commented 7 years ago

Have a look over here: This guy managed to stream video. It is working very well, as long, as you keep the wifi chip cool. If you don't, the video may start to lag.

FREEZX commented 7 years ago

I have the video stream data running, my issue is with decoding it and displaying it in chrome. It's here:

LaryLee commented 7 years ago

Is the stream data valid? Did you try to write the data to a file stream and open it with ffplay or vlc? What does ffprobe say to the data?

Perhaps a workaround could be to provide a socket for ffplay and pass the received data through to it.

FREEZX commented 7 years ago

Yep, i have saved the data and it's playing in ffmpeg. Here it is: I tried Broadway but didn't have enough time to dig too deep.