The Free Evaluation System Framework (FreVa)
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issues running pytests #195

Closed eelucio closed 1 month ago

eelucio commented 1 month ago

When running the pytests (make test) I am encountering that

src/evaluation_system/tests/ FAILED

=========================================================================================================================================================================== FAILURES ============================================================================================================================================================================
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_plugin_status _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

dummy_env = <module 'evaluation_system.misc.config' from '/home/etor/work/freva/github/freva/src/evaluation_system/misc/'>, caplog = <_pytest.logging.LogCaptureFixture object at 0x7f5ca21ef290>

    def test_plugin_status(dummy_env, caplog) -> None:
        """Test the plugin status quries."""
        import os

        import freva

        res = freva.run_plugin("dummyplugin", the_number=2, other=-5, batchmode=True)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
>       assert res.status == "running"
E       AssertionError: assert 'scheduled' == 'running'
E         - running
E         + scheduled

src/evaluation_system/tests/ AssertionError
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scheduled job with history id: 2314
You can view the job's status with the command squeue
Your job's progress will be shown with the command
tail -f /tmp/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-5433.out
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
☀️  Waiting for plugin to finish... ouch

the test FAILs or PASSes on a seemingly random fashion, I wonder whether this could happen when pushing the new branch to github and block the CI/CD.

I reinstalled the conda-env for freva-dev to be sure that it is not related to any old dependency I had.

MoSHad91 commented 1 month ago

@eelucio I think test_plugin_status got the PASSED in action

Let me check it this afternoon on my machine, but it seems it's the matter different configuration

eelucio commented 1 month ago

@MoSHad91 thanks,

I have run the same whole test several times and more times than not it passes, but sometimes it does not, without me modifying (yet) any test.

I am running with python 3.12.3 (the version I got after the latest freva-dev conda installation). I see that the test was run with py3.11 but I would doubt that is the issue.

For example just now I ran make test and make test_coverage and I got no issue.

It must be with some timeout or the time freva is waiting for a response, maybe sometimes my laptop is too slow and it does not directly entering into status=running?

antarcticrainforest commented 1 month ago

I doubt that your laptop is too slow. Can you post the output of the plugin output file for a test that fails at this position?

eelucio commented 1 month ago

I do not know if this is going to answer this question:

I believe the log of the failed job must be:

DummyPlugin-6004.out -----
[09:33:14] INFO     freva - INFO - Running dummyplugin as
                    scheduled in history with ID 2320                           
           ERROR    freva - ERROR - This is not a scheduled job
                    (status 3)! - increase verbosity flags (-v) for             
                    more information                                            
                    ╭───── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────╮            
                    │ /home/etor/work/freva/github/freva/src/evalu │            
                    │ ation_system/api/ in   │            
                    │ load_scheduled_conf                          │            
                    │                                              │            
                    │   1250 │   row = h[0]                        │            
                    │   1251 │   # scheduled jobs only             │            
                    │   1252 │   if row.status != History.processS │            
                    │ ❱ 1253 │   │   raise Exception("This is not  │            
                    │   1254 │   return row.config_dict()          │            
                    │   1255                                       │            
                    │   1256                                       │            
                    Exception: This is not a scheduled job (status              


        (processStatus.finished, "finished"),
        (processStatus.finished_no_output, "finished (no output)"),
        (processStatus.broken, "broken"),
        (processStatus.running, "running"),
        (processStatus.scheduled, "scheduled"),
        (processStatus.not_scheduled, "not scheduled"),

It seems that it was expecting a running but got a scheduled. I do not know to which output rowid it corresponds, since everytime I run a test the DB is wiped and rewritten.

on another note: the job_ids are randomly generated right? because I have job_id of 2,469 the latest but I am wiping the db everytime we run this tests, and I can see that in the /tmp/evaluation_system_test/etor/evaluation_system I have earlier job_ids that are even higher than that

antarcticrainforest commented 1 month ago

It seems that that job is already being taken or never get scheduled. Can you reproduce this error outside of your pytest environment?

eelucio commented 1 month ago

I tried to run


import freva
os.environ["DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE"] = "true"
res_batchmode = freva.run_plugin("dummyplugin", the_number=2, other=-5, batchmode=True)

Scheduled job with history id: 2111
You can view the job's status with the command squeue
Your job's progress will be shown with the command
tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-2226.out


$ tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-2226.out
/tmp/ line 13: freva-plugin: command not found


$ cat /tmp/
#!/usr/bin/env bash

cleanup() {
      echo 'Caught SIGINT, cleaning up...'
      kill -QUIT $PLUGIN_ID
      exit 1
trap 'cleanup' QUIT
PID=$(pgrep -f $0)
export EVALUATION_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE=/home/etor/work/freva/github/freva/compose/local-eval-system.conf

freva-plugin dummyplugin --unique-output True --scheduled-id 2111 &> /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-$PID.out &
wait $PLUGIN_ID%  

I used to ahve the whole

├── activate_csh
├── activate_fish
├── activate_sh
├── completions
│   ├── complete_csh
│   ├── complete_fish
│   └── complete_sh
└── loadfreva.modules

in freva/compose/ but those were outdated pointing to an old freva. How can I recreate them?

I am reading the and I do not see how to. (I can always replace the old conda env path with the new one if necessary)

MoSHad91 commented 1 month ago

I tried to run


import freva
os.environ["DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE"] = "true"
res_batchmode = freva.run_plugin("dummyplugin", the_number=2, other=-5, batchmode=True)

Scheduled job with history id: 2111
You can view the job's status with the command squeue
Your job's progress will be shown with the command
tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-2226.out


$ tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-2226.out
/tmp/ line 13: freva-plugin: command not found


$ cat /tmp/
#!/usr/bin/env bash

cleanup() {
      echo 'Caught SIGINT, cleaning up...'
      kill -QUIT $PLUGIN_ID
      exit 1
trap 'cleanup' QUIT
PID=$(pgrep -f $0)
export EVALUATION_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE=/home/etor/work/freva/github/freva/compose/local-eval-system.conf

freva-plugin dummyplugin --unique-output True --scheduled-id 2111 &> /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-$PID.out &
wait $PLUGIN_ID%  

I used to ahve the whole

├── activate_csh
├── activate_fish
├── activate_sh
├── completions
│   ├── complete_csh
│   ├── complete_fish
│   └── complete_sh
└── loadfreva.modules

in freva/compose/ but those were outdated pointing to an old freva. How can I recreate them?

I am reading the and I do not see how to. (I can always replace the old conda env path with the new one if necessary)

I just did the same on my machine with new env and new docker running and latest freva repo but got the finished out of this after 5 secs.

In [1]: import os
   ...: import time
   ...: import freva
   ...: os.environ["DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE"] = "true"
   ...: res_batchmode = freva.run_plugin("dummyplugin", the_number=2, other=-5, batchmode=True)
   ...: while res_batchmode.status != "finished":
   ...:     print(f"Current batchmode status: {res_batchmode.status}")
   ...:     time.sleep(1)
   ...: print(f"Final batchmode status: {res_batchmode.status}")
Scheduled job with history id: 2670
You can view the job's status with the command squeue
Your job's progress will be shown with the command
tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-71367.out
Current batchmode status: scheduled
Current batchmode status: running
Current batchmode status: running
Current batchmode status: running
Current batchmode status: running
Current batchmode status: running
Final batchmode status: finished

it's kinda strange

antarcticrainforest commented 1 month ago

I tried to run


import freva
os.environ["DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE"] = "true"
res_batchmode = freva.run_plugin("dummyplugin", the_number=2, other=-5, batchmode=True)

Scheduled job with history id: 2111
You can view the job's status with the command squeue
Your job's progress will be shown with the command
tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-2226.out


$ tail -f /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-2226.out
/tmp/ line 13: freva-plugin: command not found


$ cat /tmp/
#!/usr/bin/env bash

cleanup() {
      echo 'Caught SIGINT, cleaning up...'
      kill -QUIT $PLUGIN_ID
      exit 1
trap 'cleanup' QUIT
PID=$(pgrep -f $0)
export EVALUATION_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE=/home/etor/work/freva/github/freva/compose/local-eval-system.conf

freva-plugin dummyplugin --unique-output True --scheduled-id 2111 &> /tmp/share/slurm/dummyplugin/DummyPlugin-$PID.out &
wait $PLUGIN_ID%  

I used to ahve the whole

├── activate_csh
├── activate_fish
├── activate_sh
├── completions
│   ├── complete_csh
│   ├── complete_fish
│   └── complete_sh
└── loadfreva.modules

in freva/compose/ but those were outdated pointing to an old freva. How can I recreate them?

I am reading the and I do not see how to. (I can always replace the old conda env path with the new one if necessary)

It seems you didn't setup your environment? Is this a jupyter notebook by any chance?

antarcticrainforest commented 1 month ago

@MoSHad91 did you try the pytest, to see if you can reproduce this?

eelucio commented 1 month ago

@antarcticrainforest of course, shit, I forgot that the python kernel and the shell env go independently on jupyter

I just run in ipython and goes well

which makes sense as most of the time the tests work...

MoSHad91 commented 1 month ago

@MoSHad91 did you try the pytest, to see if you can reproduce this?

Yep sir, i got PASSED in all tests and funcs

========================================== test session starts ==========================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.12.2, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /opt/anaconda3/envs/freva-dev/envs/freva-dev/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
metadata: {'Python': '3.12.2', 'Platform': 'macOS-14.2-arm64-arm-64bit', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.1.1', 'pluggy': '1.4.0'}, 'Plugins': {'html': '4.1.1', 'env': '1.1.3', 'metadata': '3.1.1', 'cov': '4.1.0', 'allure-pytest': '2.13.3', 'requests-mock': '1.11.0', 'nbval': '0.11.0'}}
rootdir: /Users/mo/dev/20240522/freva
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: html-4.1.1, env-1.1.3, metadata-3.1.1, cov-4.1.0, allure-pytest-2.13.3, requests-mock-1.11.0, nbval-0.11.0
collected 166 items                                                                                     

src/evaluation_system/tests/A_Notebook_Smoke_Test::ipynb::Cell 0 PASSED                           [  0%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/A_Notebook_Smoke_Test::ipynb::Cell 1 PASSED                           [  1%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/A_Notebook_Smoke_Test::ipynb::Cell 2 PASSED                           [  1%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                    [  2%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                  [  3%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [  3%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [  4%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [  4%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [  5%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [  6%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                 [  6%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [  7%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                 [  7%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED        [  8%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [  9%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                    [  9%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 10%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 10%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 11%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 12%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 12%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 13%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 13%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                            [ 14%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 15%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED             [ 15%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 16%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 16%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 17%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 18%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                [ 18%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                [ 19%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                   [ 19%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                   [ 20%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 21%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                            [ 21%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 22%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                       [ 22%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                   [ 23%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                             [ 24%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 24%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 25%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                  [ 25%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                       [ 26%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 27%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                  [ 27%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                             [ 28%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 28%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                     [ 29%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                   [ 30%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 30%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 31%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                   [ 31%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                   [ 32%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                  [ 33%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED             [ 33%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 34%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 34%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 35%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                   [ 36%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                            [ 36%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 37%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 37%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                 [ 38%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 39%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                              [ 39%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                              [ 40%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 40%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                  [ 41%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 42%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 42%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 43%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED         [ 43%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 44%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                [ 45%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 45%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 46%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 46%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 47%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 48%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                  [ 49%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 50%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED         [ 50%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED             [ 51%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                   [ 51%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED  [ 52%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 53%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 53%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED               [ 54%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED               [ 54%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                   [ 55%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                [ 56%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                [ 56%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED               [ 57%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                     [ 57%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 58%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                   [ 59%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 59%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 60%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                       [ 60%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 61%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                            [ 62%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 62%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 63%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                  [ 63%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 64%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 65%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                      [ 65%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 66%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                     [ 66%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                       [ 67%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 68%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                        [ 68%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 69%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 69%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 70%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                           [ 71%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                  [ 71%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                            [ 72%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                      [ 72%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                               [ 73%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 74%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 74%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                      [ 75%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 75%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                [ 76%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                          [ 77%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                  [ 77%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                     [ 78%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                          [ 78%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                         [ 79%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                  [ 80%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 80%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                [ 81%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                     [ 81%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                              [ 82%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                          [ 83%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                              [ 83%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                             [ 84%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                            [ 84%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/ PASSED                                 [ 85%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED         [ 86%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                [ 86%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED            [ 87%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED           [ 87%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                    [ 88%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                [ 89%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                      [ 89%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                  [ 90%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED          [ 90%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS=MB-mb] PASSED [ 91%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS=G  # And a comment-gb] PASSED [ 92%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[#LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS=NotDetected-kb] PASSED [ 92%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED [ 93%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                      [ 93%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                  [ 94%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[PBSJob] PASSED              [ 95%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[MoabJob] PASSED             [ 95%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[PBSJob] PASSED          [ 96%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/[MoabJob] PASSED         [ 96%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED          [ 97%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                  [ 98%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                    [ 98%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED                [ 99%]
src/evaluation_system/tests/workload_manager/ PASSED   [100%]

=========================================== warnings summary ============================================
  /Users/mo/dev/20240522/freva/src/evaluation_system/model/solr_models/ PendingDeprecationWarning: The evaluation_system.model.solr_models module will be removed from v2304.0.0

  /Users/mo/dev/20240522/freva/src/evaluation_system/api/workload_manager/ DeprecationWarning: datetime.datetime.utcnow() is deprecated and scheduled for removal in a future version. Use timezone-aware objects to represent datetimes in UTC:
    job_id = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp() * 10**6)

-- Docs:
=================================== 166 passed, 9 warnings in 28.93s ====================================