FRI-Energy-Analytics / 2020_summer_fellows

A repository for FRI Energy Analytics fellows
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Review #1 Solow #103

Closed samirabr12 closed 4 years ago

samirabr12 commented 4 years ago

This model is interesting and one that I am excited to work with as the sprints go on. I know there is still more research to be done in order to completely understand this model, but if possible you can add the interpretation of each graph and what this tells us about oil production, in 1-2 sentences. Also, are you focusing on Spearman's Rank correlation, Pearson correlation, or both? I think you found the values for Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient but mentioned Pearson in the formula explanation, so I wasn't exactly sure about what was being used. But overall, we should definitely explore this model more starting next sprint because it has a lot of potential and can help us understand how different features contribute to the rate of growth for oil production.